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Destiny 2

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Bearbeitet von Fillbert: 6/19/2024 11:03:26 PM

[BUG REPORT] Tesselation damage type does not change when using Song of Flame in Prismatic subclass

Hello, I believe I may have found a bug with how Tesselation works. Normally, Tesselation adapts its damage type to match your grenade's damage type. Song of Flame replaces the grenade with a seeking solar grenade, but even though the grenade is solar while in the super, Tesselation does not change over to solar damage if you are using a grenade of another damage type in your subclass. This also includes the charged shot when consuming your grenade energy, it stays on the damage type of the equipped grenade, not the one that is currently available. However, when using Getaway Artist and arc grenade, you cannot eat the grenade available to you during Song of Flame or transcendence to get the arc soul or the bleak watcher turret. [u]Reproduction instructions:[/u] 1. Equip prismatic subclass warlock with Song of Flame super and non-solar grenade 2. Equip tesselation 3. Activate Song of Flame 4.Consume the grenade with tesselation during Song of Flame Link to a video that shows the interaction: Thanks!

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