No, you guys already one tap with the pocket singularity, don’t be greedy, us void hunters only got something more tool than melee while you guys got a beast of a melee, that is ignoring Titans
Tell me you haven’t played since Shadowkeep without telling me you haven’t played since Shadowkeep
I haven’t played since splicer then got back in during defiance, and now I get one tapped too much by bull****
Warlocks are the only class without a one shot ability that isn’t a super so I don’t know why you’re trying to punch down on warlocks as if they’re the ones causing you grief.
Are you sure you're not confusing it for Handheld Supernova (which hasn't even been able to one-shot for a very long time)? Pocket Singularity is the current melee ability with the weak push effect.
Hunters actually have a strong Melee if you use your brain. Not only does it manipulate radar, it also weakens
It is a strong tool really
It has indeed. The only time a pocket singularity killed for me was that the target was weak or both volatile and weak
Pocket singularity hasn’t one shorted since like jokers wild I think.
The only void warlock abilities that 1 shot are supers. You're blatantly lying here.
[quote]The only void warlock abilities that 1 shot are supers. You're blatantly lying here.[/quote] What void abilities aside from supers 1-shot on Titan and Hunter?
Has literally nothing to do with my reply. Someone is claiming an ability one shots and I'm calling them out for lying.
Bearbeitet von Sunburn Seastar: 9/5/2023 11:55:45 PMSunburn Seastar
Lost in Space - alt
That’s not a melee it’s eating a magnetic grenade. Either way warlocks genuinely need a genuine buff, rework, or alternative to pocket singularity. Because it’s quite seriously outclassed by repulser brace. -
The worst part? Handheld supernova doesn't 1 shot anymore.
Lmao yeah thats technically a grenade
Oh, now I feel dumb by now noticing it’s a grenade, but still they one shot me at full health in normal control, you guys got it easy as us void hunters get what? A bow that shoots one tether that barely does anything, a bow that shoots multiple tethers that also barely does anything, and some butter knifes that often can’t even one shot 90% of the time, not to mention the grenades are just the base grenades, yet you warlocks still got it better all your supers are worth using while we only get 5 supers worth using, you definitely don’t need anything else in pvp, pve I see your problem but not pvp
Im not sure if they nerfed it yet but didnt hunter have an exotic that made their throwing knives bounce off walls then home and one shot gaurdians?