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Destiny 2

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9/5/2023 1:10:04 PM

Void Warlock Melee Buff Or Bring More Melee Abilities

When are we going to get a better void warlock melee abilities? It has been 4+ years now with the same low range and damage ball that can't even finish one shot opponents and get outclassed by all other melees in the game. We need newer abilities that is offense-oriented and cause more damage similar to solar/arc melees or buff to the current melee to the range and damage to also match the solar/arc melees.

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  • Yeah not sure why bungie just nerfs everything warlock melee is crap . It made the game boring with all the nerfs. Just like there raids all the mechanics make it no fun to play them. And had to laugh at there new crotos end raid weapon , its not a auto rifle its a smg , 35 range 720 rpm why would they call that a auto rifle silly . Not interested in another smg to add to the pile of smg's. Seriuosly Bungie the majority of players just want to play the game and have a little fun . Dump the heavy mechanics raids or have 2 versions. one for the guys that like all that mechanic junk. And a match making version without it. For the players that want to have fun.

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