Just focused a Nothing Manacles (yes, 3 Golf Balls, a Cipher, and 60k Glimmer) and rolled 59 stats. 59. Post Hotfix that was supposed to fix this. Now, this is just my humble opinion, but Exotic armour shouldn't even be able to roll below a 60, especially not with that ridiculous of a cost. Frankly, Bungie, for this high of a cost, anything that isn't in god-roll territory stat-wise (66+) is just unacceptable.
I am now reserving a slot in my vault perpetually for this slap in the face you gave me in return for the 6 hours of grind it took to do enough strikes and nightfalls to get the exotic cipher I just wasted. Y'all need to invest more in your QA and Infra departments. This is just disgraceful. I'm not going to pretend like I know what's going wrong with the game, and I'm not going to offer a solution to it. For me, my personal solution, as a player, involves not feeling like I wasted 6-8 hours of my time grinding out a Xenology quest, enhancement prisms, and golf balls, as well as being locked out of this system for the next two weeks because exotic ciphers are the absolute most infuriatingly annoying things to grind for. However that manifests, or if it manifests at all, is not something I pretend to have any control over nor offer any avenues to achieving.
Not going to lie, this is probably the last time I will engage with this content. It's been universally a terrible experience and a complete waste of my time and materials for 6 legendary shards and 3,000 glimmer. To quote a long-dead meme, this didn't come out half-baked, this came out bloody raw and has subsequently regressed to being frozen solid in the bottom of some freezer on Kitchen Nightmares full of freezer burnt -blam!-, dead rats, and some amorphous brown substance congealed on the bottom that no one can identify, but is probably frozen feces from that time the head chef had a particularly bad case of diarrhoea after consuming one of his own creations.
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