I think it's because of the freeze/shatter mechanic. But it's kind of bad that stasis melee and grenade abilities have no way of proccing "ashes to assest" and "Hands On" helmet mods. Behemoth and warlock especially because technically they don't kill with the melee or grenade themselves ,but instead the shatter that comes with it.
Because of this there is no real way to play around your super unless you just spec heavily into Intellect and gain it passively.
Is there a way to sperate melee and grenade freeze/shatter damage? Or is the coding all treat it the same so they can't benefit from the mods?
If it's the latter, I think a new helmet mod needs to be added that regens super from shatter kills.
I believe it's the same kind of thing seen with hunter shadowshot tether. The kills get credited to the weapon used for the kill, not the ability that set up those kills.
Because the witness controls Stasis, and isn't going to let you be too powerful
My helmet has special/heavy ammo finder, at least 1 surge, and 1 font of wisdom because I use Ager’s so I like to get my super fast. Glacier grenade without fissures pretty much guarantees an orb from shatter kills using firepower for orb generation. Melees you’re kinda stuck unless you’re on hunter, then sometimes you get kills. When on stasis I rely on orbs from my guns and glacier grenade
Yeah stasis is terrible for any kind of orb or stat generation lmao, but has great in-house ability regen with shards for melee and whisper of shards for grenade
Why are you using it? There are better ways to get your super without using ashes to assets. I mainly use siphons over ashes. I think my warlock is the only character that I have ashes to assets on.
They do work with it. The thing is. Crystal/shatter kills count AS the thing that breaks/shatters it. Melee a stasis crystal and it counts as a melee kill if the crystal shatter kills enemies. Throw a glacier grenade...and shooting it...it will count as that weapon's kills.
Are you running whisper of fissures? That sometimes causes problems.
Bearbeitet von Daemon White: 5/21/2023 3:30:27 PMThere's a fragment that functions basically the same and is far more reliable; Killing frozen enemies grants super energy. The helmet mod at the launch of Stasis was the one that gives more orbs on super kills. edit: Also the mod that uses Class Ability when surrounded. Warlocks with Freeze Rift would gain the most from that helmet mod + frozen aspect. Hunters similar but would require more setup with either a coldsnap or duskfield grenade. Titans bank more off it with the new exotic Ice Lance helmet.
I believe it only works when using shatterdive or the titan slide because those are shatter powers
Bearbeitet von max: 5/21/2023 7:59:14 AMBecause elemental well is gone And until bungie decides to pinpoint stasis grenade shatter damage as grenade damage and grenade freezing register as grenade hit, same for super, melee etc. stasis simply doesn't benefit from most of the mods in the current system, old elemental well could combat this disadvantage by utilizing the sheer amount of shards. I doubt the new elemental well next season can do the same, be lucky if we get one charge every 3 shards
The fragment kits for stasis make up for any “orb ability” regeneration. Whisper of Shards, hunger, refraction handle grenade, melee and class ability respectively. Orbs can be generated through helmet mods, but it’s best to simply use the “siphon/stasis mods” as weapon kills are much easier and consistent.
[quote] Because of this there is no real way to play around your super unless you just spec heavily into Intellect and gain it passively. [/quote] Whisper of Bonds.