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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
3/16/2023 2:53:10 AM

"RESPECTING YOUR TIME" leaked patch notes

Starting in v.4.0.21, players who self identified on Twitter as slighted by the Duality fix will receive the following: 9 fully masterworked sets of armor per class with every combination of quad 100 stats (see note) 9 masterworked copies of every exotic that have the exact necessary split to replace any item in the perfect sets Full set of double enhanced crafted weapons Expanded inventory (100 ascendant shards, 10,000 prisms) New exclusive title (cannot be removed): I Don't Want to Be Here Wow! This is what listening looks like! Way to go bungie! [spoiler]9 quad 100 rolls covers all permutations. The problem is: from 3 pick 2: 3 pairs of MOB RES REC from 3 pick 2: 3 pairs of DIS INT STR MOB RES DIS INT MOB RES DIS STR MOB RES INT STR MOB REC DIS INT MOB REC DIS STR MOB REC INT STR RES REC DIS INT RES REC DIS STR RES REC INT STR[/spoiler]

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