Just like they used to in D1 with Motes of Light, please.
Stop saying such rational things that would help everyone, you heathen! Now get back out there and grind! GRIND, I say! Jokes aside, I couldn’t agree more!
Yeah, im not going to waste all my cores to speed upgrade
I just use a rubber band and go to bed. Hey it works!
All we are in the same spot. Weapon leveling awful idea. No one wants to play unoptimized weapons
Nothing worse than when ur at 99% on a weapon and then finish a activity and it goes up 1%…..
This would be cool if it was Gunsmith bounties exclusively that give you bonus leveling on crafted weapons. After all he is the gunsmith. He makes weapons. You craft weapons. Why not have that synergy??
Bring back Motes of Light!
Nope, Bungie are all about throttling progression. Look at what happened when they removed tokens... it takes forever to rank up vendors now. 4 banner wins used to equal 20 tokens (5 per win, 3 per loss) enough for one banner engram. Now you need 5 pieces of banner gear, an emblem, and having completed 4 daily challenges to get to a point where it take about 10 games for one engram. The same goes for Gunsmith, Zavala, Shaxx and Drifter. Always throttling, always slowing progression. All aboard the hamster wheel, toot toot!
Bearbeitet von MattTheBelieber: 2/10/2023 2:45:38 AMThe time it takes to level em up, just to spend thousands of materials and 2 Ascendant Alloys for enhanced perks that BARELY differ from normal is ridiculous. It took me 4 crucible matches per one level on my Heritage (24% each match) And for what? For a level 19 enhanced perk that gives plus 5 range versus the normal perk? Time isn't actually worth the reward. Look up enhanced perks versus the normal ones and you'll see why most of my weapons I just stick to the god rolls I got.
You need to choose which weapon to level up or you would end up not be able to play with your favourite weapons or exotic.
IMO, a Leveling Frame system with resources would be best Example: Austringer Adaptive Frame A Level 1 Adaptive Frame gives 20% of a perks potential Lvl 2 30% Lvl 3 40% Lvl 4 50% Lvl 5 60% Skipping a couple... Lvl 9 100% (normal potential) And a Maxed Lvl 10 Frame would MW it and allow you to put the MW of your choice and Enhanced traits without charging you again. For level 10 it would cost about 100k glim 100 Legend Shards 100 Resonant Elements (cores) 10 Resonant Alloy (prisms) 1 Acendent Alloy (Golf Ball) "Crafting is endgame" lets at least make it feel rewarding...
Bearbeitet von The Hermit IX: 2/10/2023 5:02:12 AMWhen did it get to the point that actually playing the game to get or complete things became an issue? I understand that certain things they implement are a bit grueling but crafting weapons? Sorry but condensing mats it is smart. Streamlining the process is smart. With that said leveling a weapon is about using it while playing. Well worth the time invested to have a 5 out 5 roll with 2 enhanced perks. I’ll take the current process over praying for RNG and slamming my head into a wall repeatedly.
Bearbeitet von THE ASSAULT: 2/10/2023 3:16:21 AM(Dupe post, had to erase it)
Leveling crafted weapons is wildly easy, my guy.
Would be great. It's already a slog getting the red borders, leveling them (yes, I know you don't HAVE to), and then leveling them after being crafted. I don't think it'd be so bad if we could have double perks on them.
If bungie did that then they would lower the total XP you get from both so it works out the same in the end anyway lmaooo
Yes, Xp needs to be faster also like it was not too long ago.
That would be a improvement!
Not needed. Bring the weapon with you into activities and level it passively.
Not needed. Bring the weapon with you into activities and level it passively.
That'd be nice
No because bungee will make it 99% goes to guardian xp and 1% goes to red border
Might happen with the new crafting changes coming in Lightfall.