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1/27/2023 11:13:16 PM

Unable to progress Seraph’s Shield Legendary

PLATFORM: Xbox One S ISSUE: Unable to progress past first operator segment in Seraph’s Shield REPRO STEPS: Complete Seraph’s Shield until you collect the operator augment ACTUAL RESULT: Less adds are spawning, and no shriekers as well, and when unlocking the room past the slow mines, the captain does spawn but does not drop the key, and the servitor does not spawn. Unable to insert Operator Augment into terminal EXPECTED RESULT: Captain should drop key, Servitor should spawn, and you should be able to insert the Operator augment into the terminal. NOTES: About a week ago, I was running Seraph’s Shield with a friend. We had gotten to the cargo hangar and I died. Got respawned at the door before you give up your weapons and went investigating. I accidentally went into the room with the distraction and he got joining Allies. We got softlocked at the tunnel after completing the brigs for a second time. Since then I haven’t been able to progress through that section.

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  • Bungie are aware of this issue. currently to try and mitigate it you will need to slow down a bit. One thing some people have mentioned has fixed it for them is if they're rushing - if they wait for the objective update at the first scanner room (elevator room) and then kill the enemies that it fixes it. If they kill the stuff before the CP update it bugs out. You can tell if your instance is bugged at the room where the shreikers are - if they spawn its fine, if they dont its bugged and needs a restart

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