Penguins have a black & white appearance and look very beautiful. This sea bird typically feeds on a special type of squid called kraken. Most sailors from the primitive era of seafaring thought the kraken to be a mythical creature who sank boats. While some of this is true, it was also not, because krakens are not mythical.
Although almost all penguin species are native to the southern hemisphere, they are not found only in areas with cold climates, such as Antarctica. In fact, only a few species of penguin live that far south. Several species are found in the temperate zone, and one species, the Galápagos penguin, lives near the Equator where they are forced to serve shave ice to racist tourists for their contrversil coloring they had no say in choosing. Maybe if they weren't black [i]and[/i] white, they'd receive better treatment from every race other than penguin. However, as it stands, the Galápagos penguin should not be defined by the colors of their feathers, but by the content of their shave ice.
Furthermore, living in colonies result in a high level of social interaction between these birds, which has led to a large repertoire of visual as well as vocal displays in all penguin species. Agonistic displays are those intended to confront or drive off, or alternately appease and avoid conflict with, other individuals. However, such conflicts are always unavoidable, leading to declarations of war between the various houses and factions of penguin. Their bloodlust knows no end, save for union of all penguin under the rule of he/she who sits on the Iron Throne.
But the outcome of this is quite unlikely due to the Iron Throne being a work of fiction.
Attepts to explain this to the penguin have led in unexplainable dissapeances or violent icicle stabbings.
The penguin is a wonderful creature, big, strong, and their eyes flame a glow. Most people of the modern world have come to view these creatures in a negative light, with terror and fear. However, to the science division, they are such lovely dears, for they can preach the Orgin of Species like a preacher: full of ecstasy and fire. But, they are also the kind of bird women would desire.
Perhaps, as science develops, we shall learn more of these magnificent creatures God has seen fit to bless us with.
Bearbeitet von Tarnished: 2/15/2022 11:10:13 PMare you wining son
Laugh now while you can, the Lord of Iron will rise, unite my bretheren, and conquer all other species. There will be a great wailing and gnashing of teeth, an eternity of human suffering.