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12/20/2021 6:32:06 PM

Still haven't received the bungie bounty emblem

It's been 30 days as stated and still havent gotten the emblem :/

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  • This is off topic but i had to post it. I clicked on your link to see the game results you posted and it’s crazy but I literally just played a game of control with that user “scrchy” in the lobby! He quit before the end of the match, but what the heck are the odds! Wild! Ok, well… I hope Bungie sees this and sends you that emblem! :)

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    1 Antworten
    • Last week, Bungie was having some issues with the tool they use to mass-grant these emblems, but they assured that all players who qualify have been processed. You can fill out the contact form in the following article for Bungie to look into it, but be aware that Bungie has gone on their holiday break and you probably won't hear back or receive the emblem until after the holidays.

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