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9/11/2021 12:29:59 AM
Do I have to purchase the DLC twice since I swapped to PC from PS4. The cross save website says that I own then on PS4 but still gives me a link to buy the DLC for PC on the site and in game. Am I expected to pay for DLC I already payed for??? I wouldn't pay for the DLC twice so I'd probably just drop the game.

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  • When you buy DLC, you're making a purchase with the platform company, and they grant a license to access that DLC on their platform only—other platforms want their sales as well. Bungie has no control over these licenses, and as such, Cross Save can not be used to transfer them to a different platform; they must be purchased on each platform that you want to access that content on. Please refer to the Cross Save FAQ for more information on how Cross Save works and its limitations. [quote][b]Do my previous game purchases transfer across platforms?[/b] Destiny 2 expansions (ex: Forsaken, Shadowkeep) do not transfer between platforms with Cross Save. Destiny 2 Season Passes (ex: Season of the Undying) do move between platforms on the characters they were redeemed on.[/quote]

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