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5/18/2021 4:10:54 AM

Not receiving Spoils of Conquest (DSC)

So for reference, as a solo player, I have been solo running the first section of the DSC raid to acquire Spoils of Conquest over the past season. [To eventually earn up Anarchy (I'm at 210 by the way).] But as Season of the Splicer dropped this past week. I tried a run after finishing off the opening few missions for the season. Getting to the end of the Sparrow section like always and to my unfortunate surprise, the "hidden" chest at the end did not drop anything. Absolutely nothing. I'm still at 210 Spoils of Conquest. (Also keep in mind I haven't completed a run of DSC so I already know I'm not getting weapon drops, just Spoils really.) But after reading the TWAB for the release of Season of the Splicer, I only saw one thing regarding DSC and that was Pinnacles not dropping. (Hey Bungie Help, does Spoils of Conquest count in that loot pool? -_- ) I can't be the only one not having this issue, right? Spoils not dropping in DSC? I'm sure there's other solo players who have been doing this exact same thing for Spoils.

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