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Bearbeitet von Frazveragan: 1/30/2020 7:52:47 PM
Now that the aftermath of the fix is totally apparent for everyone I'm just going to say again: -A bug like that being released definitely raises some eyebrows, but yeah software development and deployment is complex especially in a game like this. -Being unable to access the game for a day really isn't a big deal. Neither of those things are really the problem. The problem is the the aftermath because of the only possible fix. Similarly, that makes the initial bug more troubling since the perception from a player end is that the only fix was calling mulligan while simultaneously creating lasting effects for the player base. -People reporting they lost random exotic drops, random raid drops, and random god rolls due to the fix is a really big deal. The game is promoted to us as having these kinds of pursuits for loot as the big reason to keep playing once we're through the core content. Making an error that leads to a solution in which Bungie says, "Oh, hey we have to take that back from you so the game will work because we don't want to just hand out x number of consumables for the flub, or leave you with no consumables," is not cool. Had I been someone in that boat, I'd have rather kept my loot than consumables that are pretty easy to earn back. -Losing quest progress can be redone, sure; however, after some of the quests I just finished yesterday in the seasonal content, I have to say if I had lost that progress my incentive to redo it would be really, really low. I can imagine people who lost progress on some of the exotic quests I've seen voicing their frustration feel exactly the same way. -I can imagine quite a few players who had their silver refunded don't feel satisfied by that. I've bought silver once in the years I've played. It was to purchase a very specific item. If I were in that boat at the moment, what I would find dissatisfying is the fact that the item I actually wanted is now unavailable due to the reset. I still enjoy the game and none of this happened to affect me personally, but I think they need to address it. I really hope Bungie isn't planning to move on from this without even another word to its player base. Yes, I think they seem to have done what they could in as timely a manner as possible, and I have no doubt their develoeprs were in overdrive trying to figure this out, but that doesn't mean it's not a big deal. Right now, there seems to be a bit of a "Yay us, we got this insane bug fixed and you all got back on and can continue being awesome guardians! BTW our social media pages are pushing some awesome stuff right now you should get excited about!" vibe that seems pretty tone deaf. The fix shouldn't be cheered.

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  • Tl;dr...I read some of it and the thing that gets me that really gets me is two fold 1) this happens on some level almost every update/hot fix and that’s alarming and 2) the amount of d*** sucking from all the fans. I understand that errors happen and you can’t foresee all the possible outcomes but how in the hell does this happen every single patch? Then add to that you have the “thank you Bungie for working soooo hard to fix this don’t listen to the haters” excuse me and correct me if I’m wrong but if they worked so hard in the first place wouldn’t these errors be minimized or nonexistent? It’s like you go to your job and YOU screw something up that you shouldn’t have screwed up and then you get praise from your boss for fixing the thing you broke. I don’t understand the logic. People should really open there eyes. Bungie is awful. Example hardlight since D1 day 1 has had awful awful unusable screen shake and we have been asking to fix it. It took them over 5 years to fix it. But shit wishender is doing too much Falange and people love it...month later dead. Another example Mars (not that anyone gives a shit but quality of life stuff) flashpoint - heroic adventures, publics, and lost sectors...there’s 1 goddamn public. This has been a problem since CoO but it effects us as Bungo intended so they won’t change it to make it better. They clearly do not understand fun. Make a game fun and rewarding and people will play in mass for hours. Of you make your game a knuckle dragging grind feast and people play other games.

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  • I really am with you on that. I said this elsewhere, but I really wish they would stop trying to tweak so many little things. It really does seem like new updates continually lead to new issues and end up creating new "imbalances" because this is all being done after the fact. Another one I don't give a rip about I see people complain a lot about is the sandbox and meta. I would love to hear someone in that camp actually explain what the balance they want really looks like instead of just unloading trash comments. LOL! I'm also with you on that. I'm not interested in being a jerk about it, but fixing the problem was nothing to celebrate and they aren't heroes for that effort. I also don't understand the logic of people praising them. Fixing it was their job and they did their job; however, the way they did that job wound up creating more problems that are an even bigger deal than the lost consumables and egg on the face of a buggy update. I agree with that too, and it's like I said: The endgame is 100% about loot, which is the sole reason to buy into doing anything repetitive.

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  • This.

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