Today, Update 2.7.1 introduced an issue that affected currencies and pursuits. We immediately brought the game offline to mitigate any loss of materials while we investigated. We have identified the issue and the good news is that we were able to deploy an update to the server and will not have to update the game client.
We have rolled all character data back to our most recent backup at 8:30 a.m. Pacific before the issue was introduced. This will restore any lost materials caused by the issue, but players will lose any progress they made if they played between 8:30 a.m and 10:20 a.m. when we brought the game down for maintenance. Any purchases made using Silver or Bright Dust during this window will need to be repurchased. Any Silver spent or purchased will be restored.
The server update is complete and we are beginning to bring the game back online now. Stay tuned to @Bungiehelp for updates.
I'm missing an exotic weapong from my inventory and collection, i sent a message asap several times for help after the roll back and still no reply at all....