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ursprünglich gepostet in: Your Story
11/20/2019 7:47:34 PM
So my family knows I love playing Destiny and my son and his wife saw a set of Destiny candles for sale online. Now those of us that play know man those were from way back. Any way they bought them for me for Christmas. Whoever sold them (second hand seller) just threw the package in a box. Needless to say they didn't survive shipping. When they got them they were all smashed in terms of the glass holders. Soooo they went to all the trouble of buying new glass holders carefully removing the stickers of planets and materials and placing them on new holders. Melting the wax and replacing the old wicks as they poured them into the new holders. They look better than new. Of course now I have seen my Christmas present......but that is a Destiny story to remember for sure and I am sure those candles will mean a good bit to me. Those are real you had to be there moments.....

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