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Destiny 2 wird aus geplanten Wartungsgründen morgen offline sein. Bleibt mit @BungieHelp auf dem Laufenden.


ursprünglich gepostet in: Your Story
11/20/2019 6:33:41 PM
I guess you're right. What I meant was that Bungie didn't alienate normal or casual players back then. You could play anything you wanted, you could infuse extra gear into your other characters, and you didn't need a fireteam to do it. Raiding was a lot more enjoyable back then too. At this point during D1, I had over 200 raid completions. Now, I have maybe 5 LW, 5 SotP, and 2 CoS completions, because I can't find a clan that raids on a regular basis. The game just isn't funny anymore. It's a boring, unrewarding grind with a developer that panders to the most toxic people in the community.

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