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ursprünglich gepostet in: Your Story
11/20/2019 6:19:10 PM
You could literally progress to 400 light by playing any activity in Year 3 of D1.

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  • And you can progress to 900 doing any activity in d2y3..? I don't see what that has to do with anything. Your next argument will be that the level cap is at 960. Getting to 950 makes new end game content easier. Getting to 960 makes it slightly easier and isn't really necessary unless you have no life. But I'm not here to argue about the level system. I don't see how it's relevant to your post. Or my question, which was when did Bungie ever care about the majority of its fan base? Only those who cry the loudest get heard.

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  • I guess you're right. What I meant was that Bungie didn't alienate normal or casual players back then. You could play anything you wanted, you could infuse extra gear into your other characters, and you didn't need a fireteam to do it. Raiding was a lot more enjoyable back then too. At this point during D1, I had over 200 raid completions. Now, I have maybe 5 LW, 5 SotP, and 2 CoS completions, because I can't find a clan that raids on a regular basis. The game just isn't funny anymore. It's a boring, unrewarding grind with a developer that panders to the most toxic people in the community.

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  • Well I will agree with the raid thing. I enjoy the raids, but I wish they weren't all mechanic heavy where it seems as more and more come, they give you very little room for error. Let me clear adds, have my aegis, break the templars shields and smash the Templar. Now, I have to babysit and run through a field of cyclopses all the while cleaning up the babies vomit. Then I have to put batteries in his 4 toys just to make him show up. And then before I can even beat the shit out of him, I have to make sure that one of his toys is extra charged. :/ less mechanics, more killing bosses and gods (and yes I know those are just two extreme examples, but my point still stands)

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