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Bearbeitet von pacificdune: 12/4/2018 11:17:15 PM

Abyss - PS4

The Abyss Alliance is recruiting top PvE players for our two top tier Raid clans. Omynous is our main raid clan. We provide an active and friendly environment for players who love to raid. Crysys is our Challenge clan for those of you who want to push PvE beyond what the developers intended. Between the two clans we have dozens of active members currently leveling for Scourge of the Past. Our teams have consistently placed in the top 100 for both speedruns and worlds first completions. We currently require at least 20 LW raid completions for new members. If you are a good PvE player who wants to take your game to the next level then respond to this post and I will get back to you with next steps. Happy hunting! Dune, founder, ABYS PS: Lots of people are liking my post... but I’m unable to reply to all of the likes. While we do appreciate the likes, we really need your replies so I can pm you. Also, if you are just looking for a clan and are not a raider yet, reply to this post anyway. I will check your stats and may send you an invite to our main clan.

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