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Bearbeitet von pacificdune: 3/9/2019 12:28:47 AM

Omynous - PS4 - PvE Endgame / Gambit

Are you a skilled and experienced PvE player looking for a home? Are you sick of rolling the dice on LFG? Do you want to be in a clan of all like-minded and skilled PvE players? Omynous is an end-game PvE clan. We require our members to be active, and proficient in LW and SotP. We also part of the much larger Abyss Alliance of Clans, so your more casual or even top PvP minded friends may come along as well. We have been around since Kings Fall, and we we are currently looking for new USA and EU based members. Reply to this message if you have questions, or would like us to consider you as a member. Dune, founder, Omynous

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