Remember last year? The whole Eververse scandal? With the experience throttling and constant in game purchase pushing? We’re back here again. No one and I mean NO ONE wanted any of this. You haven’t learned, you never will learn at this rate.
Bearbeitet von Double07: 3/23/2021 4:18:03 AM Game check
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, micro transactions don’t belong in a loot based game. Period.
It baffles me how many people already and still defend Tess. Its pathetic and without any farsightedness... She impacts the game more than any other vendor. By far! She has the best looking gear in the game, sells ornaments for 7 to 11 DOLLARS, has everything except weapons, gets weekly refreshes (while Zavala and others never had any) and she gets even more love next season. But everytime you say something negative about her, special snowflakes come to her rescue screaming "bUt ItS oNlY cOsMeTiC" I lol everytime I hear this...
Just before the season of eververse? No way... How else is bungie going to demonstrate that they can't see the forest through the trees. Its just good business practicecto drive away potential season 3 pass buyers over a few extra silver sales....
Just don't purchase silver with your credit card, that's the main issue.
Bearbeitet von WulfPak666: 5/26/2019 8:51:15 PMThe only "redeeming quality" I will give Tess is that despite being a mobile game store, she is 1000x better and "fair" then anything in other games I've played. Spend $10, get exactly what I want at Tess. Or spend $10 in CoD and get 100 stupid stickers I'm never gonna use, maybe a decent cameo and maybe a snowball's chance in hell at the thing I actually want. I also find it funny that people slobber all over Fortnite's nuts for their microtransactions and their main excuse is "bruh, it's a FREE game. That's why I don't mind buying the cosmetics." Bruh, you've spent over $2000 on that "free" game in 2 weeks which is more than all the games I've bought in the last 5 years combined, season passes and dlc included.
They aren't going to remove her. Why? Because for every person that says they don't want her, there are two other people who don't care and buy from her, anyway. I'm willing to bet that even some of the people who are voting to get rid of her have purchased Silver before, lol. You all need to stop acting like someone is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to spend your money on Silver. The inventory resets and, more often than not, anything you want to grab will be available for Bright Dust sooner or later, which is earned easily. If that's a problem, then I think you need to exercise some patience - it's the same as farming for something with a low percentage drop chance. The armor that Tess sells is generally hideous looking, as are most of the ornaments for weapons. The best things coming out of her inventory are the ships and Ghost shells, and those aren't even incredibly rare.
Eververse. Like it, hate it; it matters not. Eververse is here to stay. Your topic could get 10000 upvotes and it wouldn't change a thing. Bungie is a company, and as a company it is in their best interests to maximize profits through any means necesssary. That means Eververse is here to stay. Sure, there's one thing that could get Bungie's attention. If 90% of the player base just stopped playing until Eververse was removed, maybe then Bungie would listen. But that's wishful thinking. What's more likely is that the executives at Bungie, and Bungie's shareholders, would come to the conclusion that players aren't interested in Destiny. They would pull all resources from the game and place them on a new project. If you don't like Eververse, don't buy Silver. That's about all you can do.
this game cannot be sustained on a 1 time buy of 60$. bungie is a business they are here to make money if they stop making money they scrap destiny or sell it off to a shittier game developer who will crash it into the ground, this is the price you pay for playing a "live" game. if you don't like the model of live games don't play them. go back to Skyrim.
Ranting on here won’t do anything. Just don’t buy anything. If enough people don’t, they’ll tone her done.
Never spent money on eververse (or ANY cosmetic / micro transactions on any game) and I have no problem with it. It doesn’t actually hurt if you can get items with in game currency. Grow up.
Just stop. It's not a big deal
well i think you don't remember the real reason gg
Bearbeitet von BC1 Edge: 5/26/2019 7:19:04 AMWhere is Cozmo it deej to clarify the situation with silver and bright dust? This is one area that they don’t need to pass on to the team and definitely something they should provide a response of the forum. It’s their job
So everyone complains that you can't buy specific items and too much requires real money/silver. So Bungie makes it so bright dust can be used to buy everything, meaning no silver needed, only gameplay, and you still complain?
How Eververse effects your ga mm ing again? You don't want any cosmetic stay away, you ppl are full of it.
Dude, relax. I still have the 1k silver I got from the pre-purchase of Forsaken or Annual Pass. ON TOP OF: 131,926 Bright Dust. Sure I could probably buy everything but why? Get what you get from drops and leave the rest alone. IF People want to spend their money to get something, let them, it is their money and they can spend it any way they want.
When the cash shop in a live service game that you have to pay for gets more items per season than the game gets during an entire year then you cannot justify charging for the game in the first place simple as that.... The Destiny store is actually more expensive than warframes store.....which is a f2p game with ALOT more content than Destiny 2.
Just boycott it. I’d like an option to switch off tess everis
Time for a reminder again. It's only cosmetic items with zero impact on the game. Get over it.
[b][i][u]You're inside your name.[/u][/i][/b]
With Activision gone and it being only Cosmetic I don’t really care. I also like the changes they are making soon although I want to see it in action before I give the thumbs up.
If only there was a way to not have to purchase optional cosmetic items 🤔
I don't see a problem tbh. It's 99.9% cosmetics and all that's left will be the perks on the armour. If they're good perks I might even use them. I would actually like to meet Fenchurch. A little quest where we go adventuring with him for something shiny would be fun.
Cosmetics are fine relax. Everyone wanted direct purchase and now that it's coming in Opulence ya"ll are still complaining?
Umm, I don’t see any throttling,so... It’s irrelevant