Are you a skilled and experienced PvE player looking for a home? Are you sick of rolling the dice on LFG? Do you want to be in a clan of all like-minded and skilled PvE players?
Omynous is an end-game PvE clan. We require our members to be active, and proficient in LW and SotP. We also part of the much larger Abyss Alliance of Clans, so your more casual or even top PvP minded friends may come along as well. We have been around since Kings Fall, and we we are currently looking for new USA based members.
Reply to this message if you have questions, or would like us to consider you as a member.
Dune, founder, Omynous
Love this clan and I've helped run the Pvp sister clan since D1! Give us a chance if you're looking for a clan that values hard work and teamwork that turns into long term friendships!
Do you use Discord? If so, I would be interested in joining your clan.
Hi, I would be interested in joining. I've been a destiny player since D1, but my clan all stopped playing after D2 was a bit of a flop :( I love the end game stuff, but unfortunately because of that reason I haven't done the forsaken raids.
I would like to join. I’m an endgame player. Been around since D1 Beta
I love this clan!! ❤️❤️
Awesome clan, highly skilled people and very helpful!
You can invite anyone in your clan roster to a raid or other endgame activities since everybody has a solid understanding and a decent amount of clears from leviathan to SotP.
Bearbeitet von jkash-: 3/4/2019 5:24:02 AMI'm not aware of a group of any more highly skilled, helpful, fun-loving, and kindhearted Destiny PvE gamers (PS4) in any other clan than those who are members of the Omynous clan, within the family of the Abyss Alliance of Clans. Dune (PacificDune) takes his role as founder and leader of the Abyss Alliance of Clans (PS4) very seriously, ensuring that all members find, enjoy, and contribute to a place that they can comfortably call home in one of the Abyss Alliance of Clans. If you love playing Destiny on PS4 but don't meet the formal requirements for the Omynous Clan, check out Dune's post at the following URL to find which clan within the the Abyss Alliance of Clans is best suited to fit your own personal skill level and style preferences of Destny gameplay:
Where do I sign up?
Bump, great clan especially if you like to raid.
Bump. Amazing and active clan, great way to get your skills honed and shown in this group.
Hello, 650 player and just recently got back in. 2000 hours in D1. Would love to join! Add braden06
Do you use discord or the clan chat in the companion app? I've only run LW once, but decent at SoTP.
Mainly pve oriented player looking for clan to raid with frequently. Interested in joining if your still recruiting fresh blood.
I'm very interested in joining this clan I'm very active
i am looking to join active PVE clan, i'm UK based but play mainly early hours in morning so will be active USA evening time, max level hunter looking to rank up other gaurdians
Great raiding clan!! Very solid group.
I'm interested in joining this clan
Amazing clan and great players Join us, we have cookies.
Bump! Great clan!
Amazing clan that has earned my loyalty!