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Bearbeitet von pacificdune: 11/27/2018 9:21:18 PM

Crysys – PS4

Crysys – PS4 Are you a skilled PvE player looking for a home and looking to become a great PvE player? Do you like to push yourself to do challenges beyond what the designers intended? Are you a speed-runner? Do you want to be in a clan of all like-minded and skilled PvE players? Crysys is a top 1% PvE clan. We have consistently put together teams that finish in the first 100 clears on new raids, and top 100 fastest speedruns. We are small, but looking to expand to 30-40 members on PS4. We are also part of the much larger Abyss Alliance of Clans, so your more casual friends may come along as well. We have been around since WotM, and we are challenging you. Ever since our first challenge which was to 3-man WotM heroic we have had a test to prove that you are Crysys worthy. Our current challenges are to solo whisper heroic without any deaths, or to solo the shattered throne with no more than 5 deaths. Want in? Impress us… Crysys waits. PM me or reply if you have questions. Dune, founder, Abyss Alliance of Clans

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