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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
Bearbeitet von Krisander 1998: 10/3/2018 7:26:12 PM

Scandiavian Xbox One Bungie Bounty

I can see that there is no Bungie Bounty from Scandinavia on the Xbox One, so my question is: What is the requirements to be able to have a Bungie Bounty on me? I just got a computer the other day with the right requirements for my Elgato 60HDS so I would love to have a Bungie Bounty on me one day since I'm from Norway on the Xbox One, then I could stream it on Would love to do that one day, i'm not popular or well known at all, but I would love to stream one day with a Bungie Bounty on me. Looks like a lot of fun. :)

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