Do you think about strategies to 3-man Argos? Do you main PvP and want a roster full of other PvP players? Are you just starting out and want to be part of a great clan? Do you want to enrich your Destiny 2 experience in the company of very skilled PvE and PvP players?
Hi there! I'm pacificdune, founder of Abyss. I'm a speedrun raider, but I enjoy every aspect of the game as well as building the Abyss Alliance. What separates Destiny from other games is how collaborative it is, both in PvE and PvP. This is where Abyss comes in…. we aim to serve the collaboration needs of all destiny players from top 500 to the serious casuals looking to improve. In Abyss there is a place for every serious gamer and their friends to be happy, even if they have vastly different objectives and ways of playing the game. Abyss has been recognized by Cozmo in a recent Unite the Clans article, and we are Band partners. We have active members and active fireteams, and even though there is a content draught we are looking to expand, and we are excited about Warmind and Private Matches.
Regardless if you are an elite PvP player looking to form a solid fireteam, or if you are a hardcore raider or a speedrunner looking for a raid team, or if you bought the game yesterday we have a place for you in the Abyss. All that we ask is that you are active, friendly, and positive about playing the game.
If you want to enjoy Destiny 2 and beyond with a solid foundation of players then respond to this message with a short note telling us what kind of player you are. (Brand new, PvP focus, or PvE focus) I will then review your profile and let you know where you would be a best fit. In the meantime, enjoy our clip of Abyss members destroying Prestige Dogs… Entering the Abyss will make you stronger... It's up to you now, Guardian…
Hi Been playing destiny since year one beta on xbox and just recently moved to PS4 I main on a 345 hunter and have around a 1.5 kd and play pve as much as possible -TurquoiseWolf98-
Been playing Destiny since the first month it came out. Love the game, and I have done it all (especially in D1). Yes, I love it even though they screwed up many things, but thats life and they are at least learning from it. Looking for an active clan that is a mixed bag. I love all aspect of Destiny and cant really say I like something more than anything else. Will just jump on do some PvP or run 12 strikes in a row, does not matter to me. Always down for a raid, Ive solo'd and two man Crota in the past. Took part in the Red Bull Clash Course. Love Iron Banner, in D1 I could never stop playing it (dont care much for the Samurai armor or 4v4 so I kinda have not played much in D2 until the changes.)
Hi, I main a Titan level 329, looking for an active clan who are willing to do the raid and also nightfall
Bearbeitet von Monki: 5/2/2018 2:22:53 PMI am a PvP focused player but I don't have a issue with PvE things. I used to play trails constantly in D1, I played a bit of it on Destiny 2 but haven't found a consistent group. Would love to get back out in the battle field. My play time changes but I am a active person Psn: Dark_Bapatts
Hi I’m DARK_ICE_BLADE and I would call myself an all around player I really enjoy both pve and pvp however i play more pve I have a 314 hunter and a 298 titan i stoped playing back in November because I got busy but I finally have time to play again and was hoping to play with this clan thx for considering
334 Warlock Looking to be more PVP based. Dont mind PVE either though. Been a warlock since D1
Looking for an active clan to join, mainly do pve. Only came back to this game 1 week or so ago, so only one of my characters is max light but others are still 305+. Also have a friend who’s also looking for an active clan. PSN - RebornVastoLorde
Played lots of d1, semi new to d2. Love both PvP and PvE, i would say im very active in play time and just got CoO working on that waiting for warmind. Would live a clan to play with for the future. PSN: m00_420 (zeros not O)
Bearbeitet von nqvx-i: 5/1/2018 10:34:51 AM317 Warlock PSN: M_6192850 Active on Thursday/Friday
Bearbeitet von archer__rr: 5/1/2018 3:10:44 AMI mainly play PvE and PvP equally, but want to get more into raiding and trials, but since my latest clan was quite inactive, I was restricted to learn new strategies. Looking forward to playing the Warmind with an active clan :) PSN is Archer4lyfe51
Play both pvp and pve equally. Would like to join a clan that is active. Psn; Wehrwulv
Bearbeitet von Aris3nPhoenix77: 4/30/2018 6:01:33 PMLooking for an active clan to play through Warmind content with. I mostly enjoy pve, but on occasion pvp as well. Haven't done the raid yet, because my old clan was so inactive. (PS4)
I would love to join! I took a break at early release of CoO but am back now to get ready for may 8th! PSN is Unusualuncle
Bearbeitet von hostafilip0407: 4/30/2018 2:05:21 PMHello I'm a D2 playstation player I enjoy both PVE and PVP equaly. I have a hunter and a worlock both at 305 (max for me because I havent bought Course of osiris) and I'm still working on my titan class. I havent done the Leviathan raid yet, because I'm looking for a clan. I'm a leyd back and relaxed player but I can be hardcore. I'm looking for a clan with whom I can play the raid, croucible, strikes, plus that are all layd back and optimistic. I think that I found the right clan. Im looking into buying the seasons pass soon. Ps I am a Europian player.
Pretty decent player getting back into the game on a 324 Warlock. Also looking to get my 326 Hunter, Zanikry into the clan with me!
330 hunter looking for a clan
Bearbeitet von jkash-: 4/29/2018 11:24:41 PMAbyss Alliance of Clans (PS4), Great selection of clans, all loaded with great people ... if you're really into Destiny 2, please join us ... regards, and welcome
3000+ total hours in D1 (If you want to check it is on xbox as: Ark Lightningz). I have all characters around 315 currently and am getting back into the game for this next DLC. I play every weekend pretty much all day. I know how it do just about everything in the game, I just need to continue the grind. I am looking for a clan to join, send an invite when you can.
Hello been playing since d1 dropped and I am looking for a more active clan. I am equally split between pvp and pve.
Hi, I'm a veteran D1 player and looking to get the full experience in D2 I've completed both raids and have a pretty good idea of what to do in both, my next objective is to tackle the prestige versions. I'd like to become more effective in PVP, to be molded into a Flawless Trials Machine and have some work to do to get there Cant wait for Warmind and would love to have fireteams to tackle the content with
Hi! Been looking for an active clan. Played d1 and just beat d2 solo . Currently I'm in end game Grinding for gear so I can eventually destroy in PvP. Looking for a clan that can help me level the right way and can run all night if needed.
Ive been looking for a pvp clan! im no expert but when i get on i like to play in the crucible it'd be cool to have a trials team or just playing for pubs pvp is just what i enjoy never raided but im totally down to do it been a d1 player since year one and completed everything i work as a nursing assistant and am going to school to continue my nursing so im not on 24/7 but i am on a good amount and definitely consider myself active im 21 and i like to think of myself as a nice guy not really the mean or getting angry type at all:) thanks for reading! let me know if you'd guys wanna play sometime!
I have been a long term destiny player, I main a 335 PvP focused but starting to get into pve such as the prestige raid.
Hello I'm a D2 player I play the game solo which isn't that fun. i'm looking to get into a clan to get some engrams but to also make your friends I have a level 20 Warlock and also a level 20 Hunter.My main is warlock though.I am pretty active I am on pretty much every day. PSN lsh00tu247 its not a i its a l the i was taken