He's been with us for over 10 years.
He's an old fellow who's gone deaf over the past 8 months.
At different points in time he's torn both ACLs in his rear legs and we had to get surgery to fix them.
Within the past week, he's fallen ill. It seems to be a common sickness (even still), but we took him to the vet anyway, like I said, he's old. Just got a call today and I was told he had Lymphoma and only 1-3 months to live...
I'm extremely saddened and I... I don't know...
EDIT: He's feeling better, but the Lymphoma is still there. At least he isn't sneezing every 2 seconds anymore.
i am very sorry
My condolences, that -blam!-ing sucks man.
Unlucky mate
You have my condolences.
Bearbeitet von Mandalorian16_1: 3/31/2018 1:16:06 PMI know the pain, it's like losing a family member. My family had to put our cat, who we had for not quite 15 years, down 5-6 months back, and even though he was the most anti-social animal I've ever known it still hurt.
The exact same thing happened to all 3 beagles I grew up with. I feel for you. Sending positive vibes.
Bearbeitet von Th3Verminator72: 3/31/2018 6:40:26 AMFeels grenade, man. [spoiler]FFFFFFFFFFF F F FFFFFFFFF F F F F F[/spoiler]
Our dog had to be put down just a few weeks ago. She was just shy of 15 (my wife got her as a graduation gift when she completed High School). Had a heat stroke back in September she never fully recovered from it. Couldn't stand up after that. Then one day after work (3/3), my wife called me and told me she had a fever and couldn't breath well. I feel for you.
Spend as much time as you can with him. You won’t regret it
Sorry to hear man
Sorry to hear man.