Abyss Conspiracy is a group of like minded and friendly PvP players. There are no skill based requirements to join our clan, but we do ask that you can hold your own and enjoy playing Destiny 2 PvP. In D2, PvP is best played in groups, and our goal is a clan roster full of people who want to play D2 PvP so we do not need to go in solo. Once we build our membership we also plan to sponsor tournaments and sweats to collectively improve.
If you are interested, please reply to this message. We do require that you join our Band chat-room before you will be approved for a clan tag, and I will PM you instructions on how to join.
Abyss Conspiracy is part of the much larger Abyss Alliance of clans which was recently featured on Bungie.net. We serve the needs of all Destiny 2 players together in our community, and a friendly but still competitive PvP group is our latest addition.
Always the best!
Pacificdune, Founder of Abyss Alliance
I would love to join, im close to quiting destiny2 becuase of lack of friends to complete tasks... mostly i just want to have fun with friends :)
Conspiracy is still recruiting new members!
I'm very much interested in sexy PvP and clanning around ^ - ^
Great Clan if you only pvp. Also a great way to get your foot in the door to hop to any of our other pve sub-clans as well. I’m bumpin this !! 🤙
Bearbeitet von Tk2000-06: 2/11/2018 1:13:37 AMI am looking for a PvP clan. My current clan is dead, only hear crickets chirping each night. I am playing crucible 4-5 nights a week and tired of getting getting team shot by average groups who are playing as a team and communicating while the randoms in my group have no freaking clue. Would love to play crucible with an active clan. Not good enough for Trials but maybe one day. TK
Would like to join an active PvP clan.
Bearbeitet von TheMangoMamba: 2/10/2018 4:24:40 AMWould like to join the clan, thx. I have Band ready to go
Would love to get involved! Message me when you can. PSN- Rootbeer1141
I am interested in joining up! Thegoldenchild09
I’m interested in joining as my current clan is dead. I mainly play PvP and am on 4-5 times a week at night (EST). PSN- KevyKev469
Are you an American clan, UK?
I would like to join, I have the Band.app installed and running.
I am interested in joining the clan...i play mostly Pvp but enjoys some pve as well. I am replying to the message but I also applied through the app. I have band as well. Thanks
I am interested in joining this clan. I already have Band Installed and ready to go.
This is an excellent clan for players of all levels that like to main PvP. Best thing is that there are also PvP Pros in this clan that are dedicated to helping the casual player that wants to get better. That, plus there are plenty of strong PvE players in there too that can help with that side when you wanna run strikes, or NF, or the raids too. It's also very active and never hard to find someone to play with.
Bearbeitet von Dawgacus: 2/7/2018 9:05:40 PMI just made the transition from Destiny 1 to D2, and looking for a clan.
If you are into fun times, salt mining and sexy pvp, this is the clan for you.
Really good friendly PvP clan.
This is an amazing clan for all types of PvP players. Whether you are just learning, you are an upper tier player, or just something in between. This clan has got it.
If you like PvP then join up.
Join the clan its a nice and friendly clan white good peoples
nice place.
Bump; hi there..:)