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10/15/2017 6:06:24 PM

Oblyvious - Top PvP Clan on PS4 is Recruiting EU / US

Hi there! I'm pacificdune, founder of the Abyss Alliance of clans. Abyss is recruiting top 5% PvP players to join our PvP clan, Oblyvious. Requrements to join Oblyvious are to have a 1500 ELO in Trials of the Nine ( and to pass a tryout. The Abyss is a multiple clan alliance that has a home for anyone that wants to play Destiny 2 at any level. We currently have more than 250 active members that play Destiny 2 regularly. We are founded on the principle that Destiny 2 is best played by experts that mingle with serious casuals and those that are just starting out, but those experts also like their own personal spaces, which is what our structure is based on. Reply to this post if you are interested in playing with Oblyvious. Cheers! Dune

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