Hi there! I'm pacificdune, founder of the Abyss Alliance of clans. Abyss is recruiting top 5% PvP players to join our PvP clan, Oblyvious. Requrements to join Oblyvious are to have a 1500 ELO in Trials of the Nine (guardian.gg) and to pass a tryout.
The Abyss is a multiple clan alliance that has a home for anyone that wants to play Destiny 2 at any level. We currently have more than 250 active members that play Destiny 2 regularly. We are founded on the principle that Destiny 2 is best played by experts that mingle with serious casuals and those that are just starting out, but those experts also like their own personal spaces, which is what our structure is based on.
Reply to this post if you are interested in playing with Oblyvious.
Im interested, Sounds amazing.
Im interested in checking Oblyvious out send me an invetation
can i join the clan please
Xåns is recruiting, Trying to build a clan full of heavily experienced PvP players. | Requirements | -1.6+ KD (checking Trials) -Not Disrespectful -Someone to chill around w -Active -No Squeakers Simple. Message me here for request or Message; Ariesful.
Don't want to join a clan full of drama? Need some chums to wander the solar system with? Look no more for wander United now exists on PS4! We're a clan looking for players who want to do anything from end game content to simple patrols! Many of our members have school and work so we mostly plan activities for the evenings and weekends, but we also work on milestones and general farming a lot during the week. We schedule based on mountain standard time! Mics are required for major clan events but are not needed for regular activities! We use the apps clan chat a lot, so be sure to get it! We are growing fast and would love to have you!
[PS4] Baby Mama Squad [BMS] Level 6 clan! Looking for people who play daily. Must have multiple characters leveled up! Spots are filling up. Join now! www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2314005 Destiny clan based out of Northeastern USA (Philly, NYC, Jersey, DC, Boston, Baltimore). Looking for fun loving Destiny players. Tired of up tight players? Join us!
Hey im interested, im 1.4kd / 1659 elo on destiny tracker (1488 on guardian gg) 4x flawless.
Hey im interested, im 1.4kd / 1659 elo on destiny tracker (1488 on guardian gg) 4x flawless.
I meet requirements!!
If you want to check me out, my psn is charles_418. note: I had 2200 elo before this weekend and a better k/d and win loss ratio, I just spent most of the weekend messing around with friends lol.
Check your messages :)
#CaydesFightClub https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=1849516 We are on a recruitment drive after a change in leadership, and looking for new PvP focused PS4 members... Requirements are very simple as there’s only 3 rules 1. You don’t talk about Caydes Enforcers! 2. You don’t talk about Caydes Enforcers! 3. You don’t talk about Caydes Enforcers! No but seriously just be a chilled person and that’s it, and so if you’re looking for a clan that is full of skilled and chilled members from across the globe (US/Euro/SE Asia time zones currently) and can get you to max power and gives out lots of free engrams then click on the link above or send me a message/friend request psn: VideoDead
Bearbeitet von Diablo_PX5: 10/17/2017 12:55:03 PMYeah I’ll give a go, Elo matches your requirement Good PVP player when needed and good at being in a good communication team, team shots. Destiny 1 player. Gone flawless Destiny 1 and Destiny 2. Let me know. Cheers
Lol 1500 elo is not top 5%. I have seen players with negative kds and 1800 elo.
Great clan. join up
psn- a16foc 1.5 kd, 1369 trials elo is that too low?
I have 3 characters above 300 Power and I am looking for an active clan to do trials and raids with.
The Glorious Path, a PS4 and XBOX clan, is recruiting. Link below. https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/235802943/0/0
[b][u][i]ACTIVE AND HELPFUL PLAYERS ONLY, YOU WILL BE KICKED OTHERWISE![/i][/u][/b] [b][i][u]PM ME IF YOU WISH TO JOIN AND WILL BE BOTH OF THOSE[/u][/i][/b] [b][u][i]//WARNING//WE DO CLAN PURGES WHEN NEEDED[/i][/u][/b] [b][u][i]BOTH PS4 AND XBOX ONE PLAYERS ALLOWED![/i][/u][/b] -------------------------------------------------------------------- [i]The Hunted is a nine day old, open, friendly, and active clan. We will be doing as many engrams possible every week! We will also be doing weekly raids and trials![/i] -------------------------------------------------------------------- [b][u]Focuses[/u][/b] * [i]Raid * Trials * Crucible * Weekly Engrams * Nightfall --------------------------------------------------------------------- [b][u]Rules[/u][/b] * [i]Don't be toxic * Try to help the clan out as much as possible :) * Be friendly * Be active (within reason) in the clan and just in general[/i] --------------------------------------------------------------------- [b][u]Extra Comments[/u][/b] * [i]Please consider liking the post for publicity so we can get more members! :) * Mic recommended but not mandatory. * Hope to see you there! * ALREADY LEVEL 2 AND CLIMBING :)[/i] * WE HAVE 41 [u][b][i]ACTIVE[/i][/b][/u] MEMBERS * WE JUST DID A CLAN PURGE AND GOT RID OF 56 [b][i][u]INACTIVE[/u][/i][/b] MEMBERS. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=2693839
Id would like to join
1900 ELO, 1.83 overall kd. Over 120 trials wins. 7 flawless so far. I'm interested in joining your clan
I’m decent soloque and able to sustain 1.5 kid but with a team I can maintain a 2+
i am very interested in joining my psn is superGamer52 i have had a very rough time in iron banner but i do feel i would be a good fit in your clan
Bearbeitet von iwlocal3: 10/16/2017 1:43:28 PMI had a rough week of trials playing with multiple groups of randoms. I have had a peak of 1600-1700 elo. Hopefully if you still let me try out, I could show you that I am better than me elo shows. My psn is iwlocal3. My stats are better on destinytracker.com for some reason.