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Bearbeitet von ZEDlZAN: 10/2/2017 8:40:01 PM

Bungie Pls... (Raid Death Bug)

So i finally killed calus... And when I killed him everybody died and beacuse of this bug i didnt got the milestone and the PS Trophie. So what i do was to go to orbit and rejoin the squad to revive them but for my surprise i would instatly die for no reason. How could you bungie? How could you to desing the raid in such a way if everybody died when they completed an encounter they wouldnt get revived like in Destiny 1? My only hopes is that after you fix this sh*t, because is stupid as hell and i cant believe it maked it into the game. its that i want my milestone reward and also my PS Trophie. I also want to ask a question to bungie and that question its how can this game have so many bugs at launch?, D1 Didnt have this much bugs at launch this looks something made by Bugisoft. (srry if my grammar its bad, english its not my main Language) EDIT: something more, when i say i didnt got the milestone im refferring as the milestone its still there as if i have not completed the raid yet i got the emblem and the cloak.

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