[i][u][b]Omynous – PS4[/b][/u][/i]
We have crossed the chasm. We have navigated the Abyss. We have slain the King, yet we hunger for more. We are Omynous.
•Sick of looking on lfg only to sit in a simple raid for a few hours while having to listen to people bitch and play the blame game while getting no where?
•Do you think raids should take less than 1 hour?
•Looking to get shit done while having some laughs with a chill group?
•I’m AlienGears, one of the PvE admins for Abyss Asylum. Omynous is our hardcore raid clan. We are highly active and experienced raiders/sherpas that like to challenge ourselves and eachother. Challenges such as 3 man heroic WotM, soloing raids and speed running. We are a bunch of chill people that like to laugh and have a good time without the rage. We are looking to expand our team with others like ourselves.
[b][i][u]What you will find in Omynous[/u][/i][/b]
•A solid team to raid with every week at reset with challenges and clears in under an hour.
•Active chat amongst members on our BAND.
•Info on anything PvE related as well as upcoming events and news.
•In clan competitions/challenges such as speed run marathons and clan vs clan raids.
•Join and create events with the Abyss Asylum community. Whether it be raids, crucible, strikes or lighthouse runs with our pvp subclan.
[b][i][u]Requirements to join Omynous[/u][/i]
•200+ raid clears with a minimum of 50 clears in VoG, Crota, KF, WotM
•Flawless raider trophy.
•MUST be able to run the following•
-Relic at templar and Atheon
-Sword at crota
-Grab aura at warpriest
-Hold gaze at golgoroth
-Run at Oryx
-Know how to do all challenges in WoTM successfully
•Play with an admin
•If you dont have anger management issues and want to join a great foundation going into D2, drop a comment letting us know a bit about yourself.
•Enjoy these videos of our teammates 3-manning Heroic WotM, 2-man Atheon 390, KF 29min speed run & WotM 25 min speed run•
Bump. These guys are most definitely experienced, I've gotten to watch one of there 4 man shows live. (I was playing ghost)
#arcadia #unitedwestand Bump!
[quote @whizkid97]This is kinda long, but to start, I am a PvE focused player, so this will mostly be about PvE. TL;DR - This clan pushes you past what you think you are capable of. No matter if you are brand new to raids or a seasoned veteran, I guarantee you will improve from playing with and being challenged by the people in this clan. This clan pushes you to be the best player you can be. I originally came into the clan hoping to complete a 3-Man Wrath of the Machine on Normal. I did not think that I could do much more than that and I wasn't expecting to. Not only did I do that, I have done 4-Man Wrath of the Machine Carries, a 3-Man Wrath of the Machine on Hard, a 2-Man Vault of Glass at 390, a solo Crota's End at 390, a 2-Man of Aksis Phase 1 on Hard Mode (Working on phase 2 for fun), and am currently working on a 4-Man 390 King's Fall (at Oryx), solo Aksis on normal, solo Oryx, and solo Atheon. This clan and the people in it have pushed me to be a better player than I thought possible even a year ago. I would not have done any of these things if I had not joined the clan. If you are serious about wanting to improve in Destiny, this is the clan to do it. If you are new to raiding, you can learn the raids in a patient and relaxed setting with our Omynous/Crysys players. Or, if you are a seasoned veteran raider, you can help your fellow clanmates complete raids, or you can attempt the crysys challenge and 3-Man the Heroic version of WotM, which is a fantastic challenge and I would recommend it to everyone who thinks that Vosik part 2 is easy, haha! All in all, this is a great clan, and joining this clan was probably the best decision I could have made clan-wise. You won't regret joining![/quote]
I'm interested in joining a clan that can help me get raids done, I know everything about raids. I'm 18 that is trying to get into a active raiding clan, I heard of your clan through one of the people I raided with.
Come join us for D2! You won't be disappointed!
I am the friend of Subjuct_VIIII that he was talking about. I am 26 and have pretty much the same schedule as my friend. I am looking for a consistent clan to play with and get things done. I would like to join yours.
Im looking for an active and mature guild. Just came back an week ago and lf guild to run pve stuff with. IGN SonnyBW_ Age 23 EU 1:00 UTC
Like I'm not OP at raids and haven't completed them 200+ times mainly due to the fact that I can never find solid teams, I just need a clan that's cooperative and that have members who can help rather than be a burden in raids, I can do most things on raids except aura in warpriest. I'm interested in joint one of your clans however I do not believe that I am ready for omynous as it is probably too hardcore for me.
I don't have solid game experience playing Destiny because it wasn't my cup of tea. I played the Destiny 2 beta and I must say I am enjoying it at the moment. I play Overwatch competitively and I am at Grandmaster level at the game which is one of the highest skill rating along with being Top 500. Me joining this clan can help me get better at the game and there fore become more competitive at it. I am mostly into PvP so I will probably play Competitive Mode in Destiny 2. But I can also try new things like a raid. I may not have experience in Destiny but being 18 years old I can adapt to games really quick. I am a competitive player who can make in-game call outs and strategise to get the winning result. Hope you guys recruit me and help me out so I can be the best player I can be going into this game.
I'll join if that's okay
I'm a 27 year old day one player. I am decent in pvp but I excell at pve. I would research strategies for raids, speed run through strikes, grind for those special guns, ect. I have a family and work 3rd shift, so my available hours are a little weird, but this clan sounds awesome. I may not meet the requirements but trust me, I would so fit in this clan. You all sound totally like my kind of people and exactly like what I've been looking for. My friend and I are hardcore players at heart but there are only 2 of us, so we have only been able to do but so much. This may sound egotistic but if you're looking for skilled players that'll make you laugh, we are it.
Idk hot to check raid clear #'s lol .__.
Bearbeitet von mpuchar: 7/21/2017 11:45:08 PM
Omynous is a PvE subclan of Abyss Asylum. Omynous is a very diligent and cooperative clan. Us Omynous members help newborns through raids as well as teaching them so that they may teach other newborns about the raids. This clan is a PvE clan that strides to be better and help others become better. If you're a great PvE player and are pushing to challenge yourself, Omynous is the right clan for you! If you're more PvP style of a player, please look at our Abyss Asylum subclan Oblyvious for they are great, top-tier players in the Crucible. I hope to see you guys in D2! Good luck, Guardians!
This clan changed the way I play Destiny and made it more fun and enjoyable to raid. I'm sure it will do the same for you! :)
You will be hard pressed to find better raid teams than those that are in our chatrooms... 45 minute raids are the norm... Cheers! Dune
Joined about 3 month ago have had an awesome time since best raiding experiences since day one