Do you think about strategies to 3-man vosik heroic, or kill aksis in one phase? Do you want to play on a team in gamebattles and dominate the field? Are you just starting out and want to be part of a great clan? Do you want to start off your Destiny 2 experience in the company of very skilled PvE and PvP players?
Hi there! I’m pacificdune, founder of Abyss. I’m a speedrun raider, but I enjoy every aspect of the game as well as building the Abyss Alliance. What separates Destiny from other games is how collaborative it is, both in PvE and PvP. This is where Abyss comes in…. we aim to serve the collaboration needs of all destiny players from top 500 to the serious casuals looking to improve. In Abyss there is a place for every serious gamer and their friends to be happy, even if they have vastly different objectives and ways of playing the game.
If you are a top trials player and want to do tournaments we have a place for you in Oblyvious with other elite PvP players. If you are a hardcore raider or a speedrunner we have a place for you in Omynous with other hardcore raiders. If you are a serious casual or looking to improve then we have a space for you in Abyss Asylum. We are currently looking for two groups of guardians… (1) those who just started the game and are excited to join a good clan (2) above average PvE or PvP players looking to challenge themselves and improve their Desitiny experience and carry into Destiny 2 release.
So, if you are serious about the game, are decent at the game, and plan to play Destiny 2 with a solid foundation of players then respond to this message with a short note telling us what kind of player you are. (Brand new, PvP focus, or PvE focus) I will then review your profile and let you know where you would be a best fit. In the meantime, enjoy our clip of crysys destroying Vosik in a single phase… Entering the Abyss will make you stronger... It’s up to you now, Guardian…
Hey Pacific (spxtreme's friend) can you invite to abyss Pst please? Think you!
Played Destiny 1 love Bungie and the whole community I also live in Oregon and have the week days off starting on Tuesdays. I value both pvp and pve in Destiny 2 and split my time into both areas.
I've been playing destiny for about 2 months now. I'm very good at playing for someone who's new to the game and I play both PVE and PVP. I enjoy the excitement and the competition while playing destiny.
If your just starting out, or just a year 1 filthy casual like me, Send me a message. I'm here to help.
Hey! I'm not a day one player, but I played Destiny 1 pretty hard from about August '16 (a little while before RoI) until May '17 (RL happened and I had very little time; plus I want to finish some of my backlog before D2). I have ~400 hours between all characters and 36 raid clears (2/3rds of those being Wrath and VoG) in that 9 months period. I mainly focus on PvE, but after the beta I found myself enjoying the PvP side as well. I won't say that I'm going to live in the Crucible, but I may dabble a lot more than I did before! So, getting to play with more guardians who will help/push me to get better will definitely be welcomed! Please pm me (manosteel292) any details I may need to know to know what I'm getting into lol!
#arcadia #unitedwestand Bump!
Hay I would like to join your family, I use to play destiny one one the Xbox now I got my self a ps4 I'm keen to get in to destiny again I'm very good in pvp and I love doing raids . Pm "Ned-Au"
I'm a dedicated destiny player. I'm a trials Sherpa every now and then and hold a 1.8kd in the game mode over the three years of destiny. However I also love the grind and raiding is the best place to grind and have fun. Overall I've been grinding the game for 3 years and want to grind it a tonne more in September.
Bumper boats! #Arcadia
[quote]Do you think about strategies to 3-man vosik heroic, or kill aksis in one phase? Do you want to play on a team in gamebattles and dominate the field? Are you just starting out and want to be part of a great clan? Do you want to start off your Destiny 2 experience in the company of very skilled PvE and PvP players? Hi there! I’m pacificdune, founder of Abyss. I’m a speedrun raider, but I enjoy every aspect of the game as well as building the Abyss Alliance. What separates Destiny from other games is how collaborative it is, both in PvE and PvP. This is where Abyss comes in…. we aim to serve the collaboration needs of all destiny players from top 500 to the serious casuals looking to improve. In Abyss there is a place for every serious gamer and their friends to be happy, even if they have vastly different objectives and ways of playing the game. If you are a top trials player and want to do tournaments we have a place for you in Oblyvious with other elite PvP players. If you are a hardcore raider or a speedrunner we have a place for you in Omynous with other hardcore raiders. If you are a serious casual or looking to improve then we have a space for you in Abyss Asylum. We are currently looking for two groups of guardians… (1) those who just started the game and are excited to join a good clan (2) above average PvE or PvP players looking to challenge themselves and improve their Desitiny experience and carry into Destiny 2 release. So, if you are serious about the game, are decent at the game, and plan to play Destiny 2 with a solid foundation of players then respond to this message with a short note telling us what kind of player you are. (Brand new, PvP focus, or PvE focus) I will then review your profile and let you know where you would be a best fit. In the meantime, enjoy our clip of crysys destroying Vosik in a single phase… Entering the Abyss will make you stronger... It’s up to you now, Guardian…[/quote] Hi I'm typically a pve player whose played since the very beginning of destiny. I'll give PvP a go but I'm not that great. Also, I don't know how to join clans. Cheers!
Can u send me an invite
Stopped playing around taken king since i couldn't afford the new dlc but im coming back for destiny 2 and was looking for a good group to go into it with. I mainly play pvp but love to do pve when i get a good group.
CN i join?
Hey man read your post and I'm interested. I'm a solid year 1 warlock going into destiny 2. Normally a solo player but I'd like to have friends to do stuff with in d2. Never had a clan and now I'm interested in finding one. :)
I'm a year 1 player been on and off because of how repetitive it got but the beta for d2 brought me back, is there anyway I can join your clan I try to be active as much as I can
Bearbeitet von Termitaterz: 7/23/2017 9:19:26 PM#Arcadia! You can't get these guys wrong! They're the bomb! Oh wait... *BOOM*
Hey bro, may I join? I haven't joined a clan in a long time, and the last clan I joined didn't do any end game content.. I still haven't even done TTK raid... may I please have help? I'm a good player, and I help out whenever possible.
I'm a kinda normal player me and my friends mainly go for nightfalls and raids and I put all my time in the pve challenges part of destiny and I'm just looking to find people to help me on destiny 2s raids because most of my friends switched to pc and I'm looking to meet new people. :)
I play a lot of trials now, not to bad of a player, just looking for people to play with week in week out
Used to play on XBOX, stopped playing for almost a year and I ended up picking it up for the PlayStation, I'm on almost every day after 4pm est and almost anytime weekends, Im always looking for people to raid with or to do whatever.
D1 beta player, looking for fun pve dudes that also like to casually dip their toes into crucible!
How do you feel about trophy hunting?
Trophy hunting?
How active are you guys?