Do you think about strategies to 3-man vosik heroic, or kill aksis in one phase? Do you want to play on a team in gamebattles and dominate the field? Are you just starting out and want to be part of a great clan? Do you want to start off your Destiny 2 experience in the company of very skilled PvE and PvP players?
Hi there! I’m pacificdune, founder of Abyss. I’m a speedrun raider, but I enjoy every aspect of the game as well as building the Abyss Alliance. What separates Destiny from other games is how collaborative it is, both in PvE and PvP. This is where Abyss comes in…. we aim to serve the collaboration needs of all destiny players from top 500 to the serious casuals looking to improve. In Abyss there is a place for every serious gamer and their friends to be happy, even if they have vastly different objectives and ways of playing the game.
If you are a top trials player and want to do tournaments we have a place for you in Oblyvious or Oblyvion with other elite PvP players. If you are a hardcore raider or a speedrunner we have a place for you in Omynous or Crysys with other hardcore raiders. If you are a serious casual or looking to improve then we have a space for you in Abyss Asylum. We are currently looking for two groups of guardians… (1) those who just started the game and are excited to join a good clan (2) above average PvE or PvP players looking to challenge themselves and improve their Desitiny and Destiny 2 experience.
So, if you are serious about the game, are decent at the game, and would like to play Destiny 2 with a solid foundation of players for PvP, PvE, or both, then respond to this message with a short note telling us what kind of player you are. (Brand new, PvP focus, or PvE focus) I will then review your profile and let you know where you would be a best fit. In the meantime, enjoy our clip of Crysys dispatching vosik in a single phase… It’s up to you now, Guardian…
Bearbeitet von GudNiteKitten: 6/30/2017 6:41:08 AMHi, Are you still Recruiting? I´d say I am a PVE player since I like the challenge like Soloing 390 Crota and stuff. Unfortunally for me I´ve been a lone wolf for so long so I can´t even try 3 man WotM or no weapon raid, etc. you know, fun runs with an actual fireteam. I´m also no that bad regarding PVP, I´ve been a few time at the lighthouse but same problem, no one to play with, at least not on a regular basis. Anyway, as you posted above, you´re very welcome to check my stats out, just one little detail... According to a website, I´ve deleted my characters like 20 times so far LOL. -PSN GudNiteKitten
I support this groups recruitment, which is a proud member of the United Clans foundation. A group of founders, together in unity and support. I also stole this post 😍
I support this groups recruitment, which is a proud member of the United Clans foundation. A group of founders, together in unity and support. I also stole this bumping post. True story
I support this groups recruitment, which is a proud member of the United Clans foundation. A group of founders, together in unity and support. I also stole this bumping post. True story
I support this groups recruitment, which is a proud member of the United Clans foundation. A group of founders, together in unity and support.[
Bump #United
Hey what's good everyone I have been playing destiny since year 2 and I haven't really done many raids I have only done Crotas end and I also love to do trails but mainly I want a team that can help me with raids that don't get frustrated when we have to wipe but thank you
Great clan. Been in a few. This one differs from most as you have choices to play casual pvp /pve or the route of competitive pvp/pve . Mixture of European to America mature guardians.
How do I join?
I would say I'm an above average player in both PVP and PVE but I mainly focus on PVE. I always use the destiny app or lfg to play and I would love to be able to play with a regular group of people. I would use the clan how it's supposed to be used, and not just as a tag under my name. I hope to be accepted! Thanks :)
Great clan. Having fun raiding. No yelling or rage quitters. I easily complete all raids every week.
How do I join?
I'm a total player. I have loved farming COE, raiding (quick runs and plenty of Sherpa-work in my Xbox days), trials/IB/ any other PVP. I've been flawless on my Xbox characters plenty, but just once on my few-week-old PS4 guardian. I typically hit max rank on all characters every iron banner. I can balance calm and competent in pretty much all destiny activities. I've got a kid and wife and a job. Destiny is the best stress reliever I've ever found.
Im looking for a group I can do my three raids with and not have the headache of using these forums. I want to play trials more but again lfg and forums are a nightmare for this activity. I'm a chill player been here since alpha. I'd like to see the lighthouse once before moving on to destiny 2.
Hey what's going on! I'm a Destiny year one player and have a lot of experience in all the raids. I am a speed runner and can do everything from running the relic, sword, etc, etc. Anything that needs to be done in any the raids, I can do it. As far as pvp, I'm a solid pvp player. I maintain about a 1.4 kd overall and play pretty consistently. Just looking for a solid group of experienced players where I can do raids and get them done quickly and play trials and IB with a solid squad. Let me know if I would be a good fit. Thank you 👍
Great clan with great people. Bumpety bump 😀
Bump #United
We are a well structured group of friendly gamers in a relaxed atmosphere. Check us out and say goodbye to LFG! ✌
I'm a PvP focused player but I'm not afraid to raid either. I know all aspects of the game. Pm me if I meet the requirements
Bearbeitet von Autojive: 6/6/2017 7:15:59 PMHey pacificdune, nice post. I just posted my current situation here on the recruitment forums... Please take a look and let me know what you think. The main concern I have had in the past with larger groups such as your own is that they never take the time to acclimate you to the rest of the group. Your members probably already have relationships built and may not take the time to get to know new members. This has always turned me off to joining large groups. How is your group different and how do you handle this process?
Hi, I'm more of a pve kinda guy, I enjoy the raids the most, but I enjoy trials aswell. I am an active player and I play every day. I am going to be playing D2 and if you are going to be there I would love to join you then. But for now, I really hope that I can be a part of your clan. Oh and btw, I live in Sweden so it might be like completely different times that we play but I hope we can match it up.