[i]God's [b]Not[/b] Dead, He's Surely Alive[/i]
As an immortal being life and death wouldn't apply
Question for you op: you try to live a good life to go to heaven, what if one day the pope will say there is no heaven or religion this was just a scam, would you still live a good life even though there is no magical place after life?
Bearbeitet von Samantha: 1/11/2017 7:34:40 PMGod likes beating down strawmen apparently. Saw both movies. Neither did any convincing. Fake arguments and fake people.
If anyone is unaware, this is a song. RIP to anyone who got triggered, though lol
I don't know you, but I do know I'm somewhat annoyed by this.
I agree. I'm not sure this is the best place to say that though.
Bearbeitet von LiamCDM: 1/8/2017 7:18:34 AM[i]What doesn't exist cannot possibly be alive.[/i]
One must exist before it can die.
Who upvotes this crap? There's literally nothing to discuss and it's just a shitpost.
Yeah, just had breakfast with zeus...and getting ready to go see a movie with loki
Uhhhh...excuse me, I'm not trying to be rude but...what was the point of this post?...
I mean theres like 3 thousand of them so which one are we talking about
Bearbeitet von ol azo: 1/10/2017 6:24:33 AMAsking me for scientific evidence of a supernatural's existence? Well... law of conservation of matter. Basically. Oh, and the first law of thermodynamics. I'm down for any kind of respectful debate.
This kind of stuff is why Atheists and Christians don't get along.If both groups could just keep their beliefs to themselves then the Internet would be a much nicer place.
Bearbeitet von Lord Ruler: 1/9/2017 3:01:57 AM
[spoiler]Nice job triggering the peasants[/spoiler]
No, God is with another alien species. [spoiler]was going to make a destiny lore post about this being the real story of destiny, but I'm procrastinating[/spoiler]
Something that does not exist surely can't die. So, I guess that I agree with your post.
All the rustled jimmies.....mmmmmmmmm ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Well no, he's immortal.
[i]Let love explode and bring the dead to life A love so bold to see a revolution somehow Let love explode and bring the dead to life A love so bold to bring a revolution somehow Now I'm lost in Your freedom In this world I'll overcome [2x] My God's not dead He's surely alive He's living on the inside Roaring like a lion Roaring, He's roaring, roaring like a lion Let hope arise and make the darkness hide My faith is dead I need resurrection somehow Now I'm lost in Your freedom In this world I'll overcome [2x] My God's not dead He's surely alive He's living on the inside Roaring like a lion Roaring, He's roaring, roaring like a lion He's roaring, He's roaring [3x] Let heaven roar And fire fall Come shake the ground With the sound Of revival [4x] My God's not dead He's surely alive He's living on the inside Roaring like a lion He's roaring, He's roaring, He's roaring like a lion 2x][/i] :^) [spoiler]Don't ask me how I know that song...[/spoiler]
Already know what he looks like....
If he is real and alive he sure as hell left us
Of course not Morgan Freeman will always live on.