I'm in Canada so prices will range differently in America:
Xbox One with 1TB: $299.96
Xbox One S with 500GB: $329.96
Xbox One S with 1TB: $449.96
Xbox One S with 2TB: $449.96
All of these are the Walmart prices and each comes with a controller and a game and each console is some form of special edition of sorts. I want to go with the X1+1TB because I'm getting the amount of data I want for cheaper but I'm afraid they're gonna drop the X1's the same way they dropped the X360's. It could be sooner or later but I don't want to be left in the dust with an old gen console again.
Also, I'm not gonna get that many games that I'll need even 1TB but I doubt the 2TB will stay that price for long and it seems like a good deal.
On Boxing Day the prices may drop on all consoles but I'm asking the gaming community as to which I should get and why.
I'm not gonna go to EB Games (Canadian version of GameStop) for a console and I'm NOT gonna get a PlayStation because I have an account and everything with Microsoft so yeah.
[b][i][u]EDIT: Thanks guys for the great info and answers! I'm gonna go with an Xbox One[/u][/i][/b]
[i]*resumes with chillin' like strawberry fillin'*[/i]
I'd go with a standard Xbox One with 1TB. [spoiler]I don't like spending extra though, so that may have affected the answer.[/spoiler] I own a PS4 though, so I don't exactly know the difference between a standard Xbox One and the Xbox One S.
You're gimmick is pathetic.
Dude, go to eb games and ask for "that one guy in the commercial"
The original Xbox One or if you willing to spent so much than get the Xbox One S 2TB
X box one
Make sure you get the 1TB one at least. 500GB gets filled up really fast.
It's called St Stephen's Day, dammit! Not Boxing Day!
Atari 2600
Just get a gaming computer with Windows 10 on it.
Why a Xbox? What makes you not want to play on PS4? Only exclusives are scale bound, Halo 4, and I THINK Final Fantasy 15?
You guys really think the s one has 4k graphics...[spoiler]hahaha[/spoiler]
Unless you plan to get a Scorpio, I would go with the cheapest S and get an external hard drive.
If an XB1S with 2TB costs the same amount with an XB1S with 1TB ($449.96), and if you have the money, I don't see why not.
Bearbeitet von Flailing_Weasel: 12/18/2016 5:20:16 AMGet one with 1tb. My PS4 has 500gb and it's just not enough. Plenty of room on my 1tb One, though.
The S will not replace xbone considering the only change it makes is the 4k video. So I'd just say don't let that affect your decision
Go with lowest memory possible then get an external. Because it's Xbox master race, and you can do that.
If you wanna hold a lot of games, go with the Xbox one s 2 TB console
I've got a better idea... Get a good PC
Xbone S 500gb. Grab a separate HD for cheap.
Don't know if the price will be the same in Canada, but here: https://www.amazon.com/Xbox-One-1TB-Console-Battlefield-Special/dp/B01LI1ZUW2
Get a PlayStation so you can play the better exclusives [spoiler]honestly just get both its much better[/spoiler]
Do what I did, get both. [spoiler]And do drugs, follow in my footsteps friend[/spoiler]
Buy a waffle iron Or a Potato!
I'm not sure what the price for it is now but the Xbox one Elite is what I bought a year ago. Some people say the elite controller isn't worth it, but I think it is. If you've never used one then you don't know what you're missing so it's fine but I can't go back to using a regular controller anymore