Do you guys know any of these channels and if you do which ones do you watch the most and why? Is it the content? Is it because of certain game plays or compilation videos?
(I chose some channels which I think aren't the MOST commonly known on YouTube)
Rad Brad is great because he posts gameplays and doesnt talk during the cut scenes, and generally is pretty good at the games.
TheRadBrad is personally my favourite for gaming walkthroughs because he's just generally funny, gets the job done by actually posting walkthroughs, and altogether being quite good to his fans. Blitzkriegsler I watch for TABS videos pretty much to see the kind of crazy shit they added, otherwise I don't know much of him.
[spoiler]subcribe to dolan dark on youtube [/spoiler]
TheRadBrad is my favorite walkthrough/commentary gamer but if you want silly or funny, try eMBeaR. 10/10 would laugh again.
On your list I only like Brave Wilderness, but my favorite is Northernlion.
I know Smike and theRadBrad I used to watch Brad a lot, not much now.
MrFruit [spoiler]#FruitNation[/spoiler]
Official duck studios
Funhaus [spoiler]all you need[/spoiler]
Bearbeitet von Ghalo: 12/15/2016 10:32:34 PMOn your list, Blitz, RadBrad, and Brave Wilderness. [spoiler]Making ornaments in December [/spoiler] [spoiler]Farming coconuts since 7-26-2016 [/spoiler]
Uhhh where's filthy frank
Never heard of any of em
I know Smike and TheRadBrad, but I don't watch either of them.
Marry me
Brave wilderness I watch him hurt himself
Who are all you people?!?!?