Atheists say there's a lack of proof with Christian claims. Well, I cannot really give the proof as I have a lack of religious knowledge. However, watch this movie ALL THE WAY THROUGH and you'll have your proof.
Your name is apt if you think I'm going to watch this.' I will listen to intellectuals on both sides and I will educate myself that way .
Proof that there isnt a god
cool story
Bearbeitet von Krishnas Prophet: 12/3/2016 7:48:53 PMI think searching for proof of God is great (although it kinda questions the importance of faith). That being said, you lost me at Ray Confort. He once claimed that bananas represent design because they fit perfectly in the human hand, showing that God created them witn humans mind. However, [b]humans created bananas with humans in mind[/b]. They used the process of domestication. In reality, wild bananas are squat, tuff, and seedy. The long process of humans selectively growing the bananas with characteristics [i]that they deemed desirable [/i]led to the emergence of the modern banana. Ignoring such obvious empirical realities causes me dislike Mr. Comfort.
Ray comfort film? Already lost 100% of credibility
[quote]deny the obvious[/quote] This always pisses me off. I believe in God, but to say it's obvious he exists, to say those who don't believe in him are deluded... How ignorant can people get? Note please that I'm not referring to you, because it isn't your video, but come on...
This is the same movie that won a "Best Science Film" award at a Christian film festival. LOL.
So if you tube was never invented or the internet. We would never have proof. That's what your really saying right? LOLLYCAR!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, good luck convincing someone to watch an hour-long video about how god is real..
Bump for later.
Making religious posts is another reason comments on the internet turn really sour, mate.
I want to point out something that people don't tend to mention. That is there being no proof of any individual god being the true divine power. You can say that your proof is our existence. You can say your god created life, matter, antimatter, everything there is. However, you cannot prove that the god YOU believe in is THE god that created everything. Maybe God did this. Maybe Allah did this. Maybe it was Zeus, maybe it was some Aztec god. Nobody knows, because no legitimate proof has yet been supplied that proves the existence of a certain god or gods, while at the same time, disproves the existence of all others.
Non of this is arguing is going to help me decide whether A or G is the best letter to lead with. At the point in time where I use morphological reaction tied to letter shapes, it's about a far more basic construction. Therefore it is beyond most of you because, I know your focus needs to be elsewhere to provide best. Original "A" theism is about structure in how life is developed. Not believing in God is a simple letter choice. I fixed the structure so you simpletons get the best results. Now get back to work.
Oh God Ray Comfort made a movie? Truly this proves, unequivocally, that there is a God. This is sure to be the funniest thing i watch for the rest of the year at least.
RAY COMFORT? Mr. Banana man! Heheheheheheheheheehhshshahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahah
Apparently Mr. Comfort suffered a double lobotomy and is a moron.
Heh, remember when he made this?
Bearbeitet von pValue2010: 12/3/2016 11:29:14 PMSorry, this is pretty bad. I'd delete the post for your own sake. I truly hope this isn't the reason why you believe in what you believe. Edit: I even watched some of it. The watchmaker fallacy?... Come on kid
Why am I here again?
Oh dear... ray comfort... nope. I mean, I'm open minded and generally consider myself to be agnostic but if anyone is gonna try to show me "proof" of a Christian god and ray comfort created it, I'm not gonna listen to bullshit. I [i]will[/i] however listen to buddhists and pagans. 1. They're a lot damn nicer and 2. What they believe in actually makes more sense.
So... god is the current scientific ignorance. Years ago we didn't know how the planets moved, must be god. That was then actually figured out. You can't use a lack of knowledge as an argument for the existence of god. I could use the same argument and replace it with Satan and you couldn't prove me wrong. You'll never prove or disprove god existing. Get over it.
Lol... you consider stuff like this proof? Nah
We've woken the hive! (Athiest shitstorm inbound)
If I haven't seen any convincing arguments over the last decade to validate the existence of God, I'm sure this hour long movie will do the trick!