Post pictures of your pets and something about them ^.^
My cat is called millie she's about 11 years old now and she drools a lot.
My black dog is a jackahuahua called angel and she has a beard.
My other dog is a pomchi called Violet and she's the sweetest dog ever.
Go ahead I love animals 😍
More pictures:
Bearbeitet von darthdigglerdc8: 8/29/2016 5:15:32 PMI have no pics at this time. My daughter has a cat named oreo and a flying rat aka sugar glider named dodger. The dog is a bipolar psycho old english sheepdog that is the wifes. I hate that frickin dog. Oh and my dog is dead. I miss that dog
I would, but I don't own a imgur account
Bearbeitet von LochieXCIX: 8/29/2016 4:34:45 PMThis is Winchester named after the dudes from Supernatural because my mums a fan, We call him Ches for short. [url][/url] And this Senshi, She's small and blind, walks into stuff a lot. Makes up for it with the fact she's tiny and adorable and will probably look like kitten for the rest of her life. (excuse the filter this was the best photo I could find) Edit: Dunno why it came out like this. This forums changed since the last time I was on here. So Idk how to post images properly yet lol
You've got mail!
Meh. I'm not big on selfies...
Do graveyard pics count? [spoiler]assuming I can find my dogs grave[/spoiler]
Yoda (left) and Blanca (right). We got Yoda to keep Blanca company after her brother, Cocaine, passed away (they were really close). She didn't like Yoda much at first but he took to her right away.
Bearbeitet von chiefblazerbear: 8/28/2016 3:23:17 AMJune bug 6yr old reverse brindle boxer
My family is pretty rich. This is my pet Gorilla, Ebmarah. He was just chillin' in the pool with one of my cousins. Good times.
I have a Great Pyrenees/Kuvasz, Golden Retriever, Cat, Lovebird, and a snake
- His name is Shepfield
I have a 11 year old chocolate lab named Luke, a one year old English bulldog name Tallulah, and two cats. The cats are brother and sister. The brother is Harley. He is a twenty pound giant tabby. His lil sis Shelby is a 9 pound tortoiseshell. I would send a pic but I am fifteen and still am not allowed to do imgur or other social media places. It really does suck
I would but my puppeh be ded :(
I don't have a dog yet, but I do plan on naming my first one "Sir Reginald".
Bearbeitet von TreeVor411: 8/27/2016 10:06:08 PMAmerican shorthair, White with gray and orange spots. Friendly and energetic, a little over 1 year old.
Long time no see angel
fresh[spoiler]touch me bby[/spoiler]
Bearbeitet von chiefblazerbear: 8/28/2016 4:02:57 AMHe thinks he's a lap dog
Seen dogs About to post very upset message about not having cat Sees cat Gg op >.> [spoiler]G f*cking G[/spoiler]
This majestic ball of orange fluff is my cat. Well, one of them. Squeak, meet offtopic; offtopic, this is squeak.
I genuinely read the title first as "Post your penis ^.^". I'm so sorry.
Bearbeitet von StellarBox: 8/26/2016 11:44:40 PMSix years old. Mixed. He likes to walk every single day.
Her name is Lola.
Is this what we've declined to? God damn I miss the way this was a year ago.
Mr Spock 2 years old 12 Generation of Rin Tin Tin