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Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny zu tun hat.
8/13/2016 2:30:47 PM

Pet companions in destiny!!!!

In the rise of iron, i think that we should have pet companions. Hunters get a cat of some sort, Warlocks get a bird of some sort, and Titans get a dog of some sort. There could be cruicible modes where you get to fight with your companion against other gaurdians. There could also be a quest to get your pet, and then more missions or quest's to build a greater bond with your pet (making it ever so stronger in light level). Your companion could also contribute to your light level. the pet will be like another gaurdian having three pieces of armor, torso, head, and legs. The pet, since gaurdian like will have disipline, strength, and intellect. Not only will the pet have disipline, strength, and intellect, they will have corrosponding subclasses that help you and your pet in battel, for example for hunters, when your are criticly wonded and you are using bladedacer tour pet could turn you invisible and give you a boost in agility. Your pet automaticlly switches to the appropriate subclass wich is the subclass that has the same element as your subclass. the pets subclasses will have skilltrees where the perks are unlcked by bondage experiece with your pet. PLEASE LET BUNGIE NOW ABOUT THIS, GET THERE ATTENTION, AND ALSO BUMB THIS.IF YOU THINK THIS SHOULD BE IN THE GAME.

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