Why are the crucible rewards so scarce, given at random to the players (seemingly always the worst player), and are more often than not very low quality or of no use?
Crucible rewards are on the low side for sure, and issue we intend to address in a future update. The rewards are random to encourage everyone in the game to play it to completion, rather than only the "winners" staying.
I got the hard light this past Saturday night/Sunday morning
The guy with the lowest score needs the drop in order to improve his score? I've gotten drops as top and bottom score in matches. RNG blesses us all at some point.
Isn't it olny fair players who ain't so great get same chance of reward or why would we bother playing it ... Then it would be just full of op players with top amour and weps... So basically all the top players are unbeatable cause they won weps and amours making them just won more and more ... Even a good player starting out would then struggle against longer playing players
My fire team leader was at the bottom of the leader board once with 1 kill, 3 assists and 21 deaths. He got s legendary primary engram which decoded into theSUROS. And he got the thunderlord. I'm at top. With 36 kills, 12 assists, and 9 deaths. I get NOTHING!
I don't think players should get better rewards for their team winning but at least can you reward the top players? I frequently get on a bad team and my team will lose but I'll be first on my team beating the person in second sometimes by 1000+ points. It would be nice if I could get like a legendary when I get an 8.6 k/d... I think if you kept the random loot for all the players but then give better rewards to players who ranked top or second on their team it would feel a lot more rewarding to play crucible.
Does bungee think it is acceptable for a player with 3 kills and a kd of .2 to get an exotic item over a player that got 30 kills with a kd of 3 providing most if the points for winning the match?