[b]TL:DR[/b] -check connections, 1 person with yellow or red will have crota raining "glitches" and frustration-
after paying close attention to connections and in game "glitches" my clan and others have observed that all the "glitches"
-sword disappearing
--crota shields regen
-crota kneels shorter
--crota killing sword runner off bridge
All this and more derives soley from 1 person having poor connection.
[b]1 yellow bar[/b]- can vary from being unnoticable to wrecking havoc. So youll have to guage it.
[b]1 red bar[/b]- you will most likely encounter every bug
Our conclusion is simple we will now load in, check connections, and attempt to fix them to green before running
[b]connection fixes[/b]
These are methods we use and find helpful
-[b]Person with poor connection [/b]
-quits game
-closes all apps (msgs,friends)
-relaunch game and join team
-[b]Person with poor connection [/b]
-simple modem reset
-[b]person with poor connection[/b]
-if to no resolve give it a few honest goes, and determine if lag is holding you back
-as a last resort you may have to politely ask the person to find another group (avoid this)
Well there you have it, by checking connections you can take serious runs based on player performance
I hope this helps many, because our new motto is spend 15min fixing connection, 5 min to down crota
[b]Dont waste anymore of your time and effort on the sliver of a chance that lag wont mess you up, just fix it! [/b]
[u]any more tips to fix connection issues are more than welcome, and will be edited in and given credit[/u]
Tons of likes! But lets bump it too! Everyone should know this, so we may [b]R.I.P[/b] (raid in peace)
Edited 2:
[b]your connection is only as strong as its weakest link![/b]
1 yellow can be manageable, just give it a few honest goes and see how bad it is
This is such a lie. I'm Australian and when I'm in a team with Americans the game recognises that my connection is the worst thus I have a red bar, but I never encounter glitches, so stop bullshitting
Lile and subscribe peeps
Bearbeitet von SultanGris: 2/19/2015 8:21:02 AMSeems to glitch more if you wipe a few times as well, once the glitching starts it never goes back to normal and seems to only get worse until you take fire team to orbit and restart the raid. That always fixes it for us. Never noticed correlation to connection, but then again I've never even seen any connection stats, where do you observe them? I'll check that out next time it happens to see if it's a factor. Not much you can to do fix connection other than eliminate other users hogging your bandwidth and making sure your ports are open. If you have a low quality router/modem power cycle one a week doesn't hurt. All of my issues are on destinys side and are random. I can go a week with no problems and then all of a sudden get disconnected and have trouble contacting destiny servers every 5 minutes for a half hour or so before it goes back to normal. It's only destiny, all other games work fine during this time, no issues with losing connection to psn, perhaps just peak usage time for destiny clogging up their servers or something. I'm also unsure how destiny works, I think it's peer to peer with the fireteam leaders console acting as host, in which case his connection quality/speed is vital, you don't want the host on a slow connection halfway around the world with a high latency to everyone else. This doesn't matter if everyone connects to a dedicated destiny server, but I don't know for sure how they have it set up, most games are using peer to peer these days to save money but it creates more issues when people have crap connections
1. No lag (and Swordholder host) 2. Don't dick around with Swordbearer, he needs to be made dead fast.
Chuck Norris approves this bump [spoiler]no idk why chuck norris is everywhere on the web[/spoiler]
I've actually come to like the raid glitches. Makes raids challenging again, and all the more satisfying when you beat it. Adapt or die
No Freakin Ghorn
Bump party
Shouldnt have to do above 92 mbps and i had red bar fix your servers bungle
The short kneels and shield regening quicker is due to the host lag. But the other 2 is glitches which need to be fixed
What is Cheese.
Destiny server stability has to make you laugh How anyone running a 21mbs + wifi can have a bad connection I can run warcraft with 15 mods running Wife watching netflix son playing diablo3 And phone and tablet streaming and still run 60 fps and diablo with 5 lines in the green but destiny poor connection lol
This is great advice! My crew have started to pay more attention to our connections. Hadn't thought of checking if apps are running. We also only use game chat since we noticed party chat can cause lag as well.
Uh if you ask a guy to leave bc of his connection you are a douche plain and simple.
Looking for a group to do hard Crota
I've found my connection is better during the day, ie before everyone gets off work. Luckily, I get off work early at least one day a week and knock out hard crota cp first thing, then run the rest of the raid after. Trying to hit the raid during peak internet usage time is asking for trouble.
We run 3 red bars and it only glitches every 8th game or attempt if we even take that long to kill him, the glutches you've listed also happed to people with full green bars just less often.
Yeah I was red the other night, and if my rocket wasn't first to hit crota it reset his shield when it did. I turn the wifi off on my router and it fixes it most times - stuff running updates etc chews my limited bandwidth.
I actually think these glitches doesn't have much to do with player connections, what I think happened is that they rushed to fix the network glitch and ended up breaking the game. I think they added a constant check to see if host has left and that has made connections glitchy in the raid. That said if you play crucible, you'll notice an increase in poor player connections and lagging, so it may just be Bungie's recently crappy servers.
SGA indeed
bump, keep this at the top!