Reference for{membershipType}/{destinyMembershipId}/{characterId}/

Gets historical stats for indicated character.


HTTP Method: GET

Requires Sign-in: false

Url Parameters:

Parameter Name Description
membershipType A valid non-BungieNet membership type.
destinyMembershipId The Destiny membershipId of the user to retrieve.
characterId The id of the character to retrieve. You can omit this character ID or set it to 0 to get aggregate stats across all characters.
periodType Indicates a specific period type to return. Optional. May be: Daily, Monthly, AllTime, or Activity
modes Game modes to return. Values: None, Story, Strike, Raid, AllPvP, Patrol, AllPvE, PvPIntroduction, ThreeVsThree, Control, Lockdown, Team, FreeForAll, Nightfall, Heroic, AllStrikes, IronBanner, AllArena, Arena, ArenaChallenge, TrialsOfOsiris, Elimination, Rift, Mayhem, ZoneControl, Racing, Supremacy, PrivateMatchesAll
groups Group of stats to include, otherwise only general stats are returned. Comma separated list is allowed. Values: General, Weapons, Medals, Enemies
monthstart First month to return when monthly stats are requested. Use the format YYYY-MM.
monthend Last month to return when monthly stats are requested. Use the format YYYY-MM.
daystart First day to return when daily stats are requested. Use the format YYYY-MM-DD
dayend Last day to return when daily stats are requested. Use the format YYYY-MM-DD.

Request/Response Body Formats:

Message Direction Format Body
Request N/A HTTP Get requests have no request body.
Response JSON JSON object

The following is an example of a response JSON body for this method.

  "Response": null,
  "ErrorCode": 0,
  "ThrottleSeconds": 0,
  "ErrorStatus": null,
  "Message": null,
  "MessageData": null