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由xGriimmm编辑: 5/20/2024 5:33:16 AM

Exile Fury is NOW RECRUITING! All Platforms | Discord | Etc.

Guardians, Exiles Fury is still here and looking to fill up the ranks with all who are ready to learn all the way to the PvP sweat lords! Final Shape is on the way and we're gearing up for a great expansion. There are so many guardians coming back to the game that makes it a no-brainer to recruit. At this time, we're going on 6 years together & there's not a shot at us stopping nor slowing time! Requirements: [b]1.[/b] Must be [b]ACTIVE[/b] in Destiny 2[I](no freeloaders)[/I] [b]2.[/b] Must be [b]18+[/b][I](we are willing to take younger depending on maturity level)[/I] [b]3.[/b] [b]Must join Discord[/b][I](You have 24 hours to join after acceptance into clan, as it is our main source of communication and is [b]mandatory[/b] as it helps with grouping up for events.)[/I] [b]4.[/b] Please have a mic[I](I mean seriously who doesn’t have a mic/headphones by now?)[/I] [b]5.[/b] When you join the Discord, please pay attention as an Admin will personally inform you on the next steps to finalize your onboarding.[I](This helps get you get finalized into the clan)[/I] [b]6.[/b] Be willing to help your fellow clan mates, we don't mind running solo every now and then[I](no point in joining a clan to constantly play with blueberries/LFG instead of the clan.)[/I] [b]Exiles Fury™[/b] is a family, and for those to join our family you need to be willing to lend a helping hand and be ready to have fun. So if you are up for joining the team, [b]please upvote this post, drop a comment, and our admins will DM you.[/b] [I]See you in Exiles, Guardian.[/I]



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