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由jhermannITJ编辑: 5/12/2024 3:05:47 PM

I'm done....

99% prepped for the Final Shape. 42 exotics over the last 2 weeks + the 18 I had = 60. 12 in each postmaster, 8 on each character. 3 in reserve on Vendors I'll grab before launch. So, 9 more strikes and I'll be at 66. 66. That should proc a reset, unlock 5 new exotics... and get the shader (if there is one). Vault cleaned... bounties but for 8 spots I'll fill right before the Final Shape. Max mats. Now, Zero Hour... and lazily play some Onslaught. I'm ready. How are you Guardians' faring? It's Bay of Drowned Wishes today at reset, fyi, if you're stacking exotics. 😇👍💠



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