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4/25/2024 6:34:29 PM

Basically you're unsunsetting legacy gear

So let me get this straight, you're finally decided to unsunset the legacy gear with power limits to them after a couple of years. WOW bungie don't respect players time grinding for those weapons and gear.



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  • Bungie: *sunsets weapons* Fanbase: WAIT NO WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT Bungie: *unsunsets weapons* Fanbase: WAIT NO WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT Pick a lane, you can't be angry at both. This is NOT a bad thing, you can now USE the weapons you spent time grinding for back then. You're mad that you can actually use them in high-end content again? Seriously? You morons will be angry about anything, Bungie could say "We're unlocking all cosmetics for all players as free universal ornaments" and you idiots would be on here like BUT I GRINDEDED FOR DA BRIGHT DUST, AN, AN, PAID FOR DA SILVER, AN NOW ANYONE CAN JUS, JUS, UM, JUS USE IT FREE?? Stop looking at positive changes as insults to you personally. They're not. YOU chose to grind for those weapons, YOU chose to dismantle some, none, or all of them, and Bungie is now saying "Hey, go ahead, use it anywhere <3" and your response is to be angry?



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