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Discuss all things Destiny.
9/29/2014 9:08:46 PM


[quote]I can confirm that there were sudden and abrupt changes in the development of Destiny less than a year ago. There was tension between higher ups the entire time we were developing the title due to a lack of cohesion about the vision for the game. One side wanted this huge space epic, like an MMO Mass Effect and the other side was not convinced that would sell and wanted to pare things back to more "easily accessible" standards. They were afraid too much story elements and cut scenes would drive players off. Then Joe left and everything just fell apart. By the time we were 7 months out to release, word came down that we were making massive revisions to the game's story. Huge portions of dialogue were excised and I think several recordings were redone to support the new narrative. Entire areas that would have been in the final game were removed, but some of the context wasn't, which explains weird reactions from NPCs and strange, unexplained motivations. We had a guy come in to write the grimoire cards who was given access to the original script with notations on what was cut and what needed to be revised in order to make this zombie of a game seem plausible. All of the Last City factions had their storylines and dialogue cut, the Guardian's initial introduction to the Tower and the Last City was cut, and ALL the origins were homogenized down to the one originally used for Exo characters. Most of what was cut was planned to be re-polished into DLC, but it's all there on the disc. Not all of it is live on the servers, but it's all there on the disc. Some last minute art assets needed to be remade, which is what you'll be downloading. It's an embarrassing disaster and not the game I thought would be published. HumanCatnip: Will we be seeing these tidbits of dialogue or are they lost to the Darkness forever? [b]404Architect[/b]: I don't know the answer to that. Some of it I doubt will ever see the light of day because it contradicts the story as presented now. Some of it could be repolished and turned into DLC. That is what is happening with some of the locations on Earth and Mars. The_Prince_of_Wishes: Was Jupiter, Saturn, Europa etc. cut content or still in development? [b]404Architect[/b]: They were still in development. Fasterthanapigeon: How come the fallen can climb and there are trip wire mines in the intro... But never again? [b]404Architect[/b]: The introduction you know is closest to the original content, which had more robust and cinematic level design. It was originally designed for the Exo introduction but was generalized to represent all guardians closer to launch. The trip mines make a brief appearance again in the published game in the strike where you face Sepkis Prime, whatever that is called now. There were plans to include more dynamic enemy AI, but there was not sufficient time to develop that. hardshocker: I have no way to know if you are telling the truth but I'll ask anyway. Is there a way for you, or someone else who is willing to tell the tales from inside bungie, to give a real view of the original story to me. I don't care about getting it out or exposing anyone, I just want to know the real story that was planned. This was the one game I was excited to get in a long time and it hurts me personally that I didn't get a chance to see the true vision. There must be way for me to know. [b]404Architect[/b]: The closest you will ever get is the ViDoc from 2013, unless someone risks their job and jail time to get design documents out. I hope no one is that reckless. GoCallYourMommy: From where you sit, do you feel the long term expectation is lots of DLC/patches that will be improving the game as the standard moving forward? I have just been coming to this subreddit for the last day because I am abysmally bored with the constant grinding/repeat missions and was looking to see if there was something else I have missed to keep the game interesting. I can only guess the long term strategy was to get people hooked, then pay for a better experience as time goes by to justify the costs of development/release. Seems to be the standard now in gaming regardless. Thanks for even posting in here. I didn't realize so many people were into the behind the scenes drama, and hope you don't get attacked by too many folks. [b]404Architect[/b]: There is an ongoing plan to release regular DLC flow, provided the game continues to be profitable/projects to be profitable in the future. If the end-user experience thus-far is any indication, it may not be enough content. The game is considerably more barren than what was intended to ship. I'll add a little more. Part of the reason why so much was cut and held back was to buy time. When Joe and others left it was a blow to development cycle. What was cut was cut in order to take the place of newly developed content so we could "catch up." Larima: Were the 'higher ups' on the publishing side or the development side? [b]404Architect[/b]: I can't say that with any authority, but there was pressure from Activision to meet our deadline. Larima: Will we be seeing the cut storyline content? [b]404Architect[/b]: In some form or another. The Reef story mission is cannibalized from the Awoken character arc. Larima: I see. Will the coming content expand the story to be, uh, more complete at least? [b]404Architect[/b]: I don't know, unfortunately. Whatever shape it will be taking will not be the original direction the game was designed in. That said, I do think what is developed in the future will attempt to "right" the sinking ship. There are still many talented and devoted people there. Larima: So, the story of Destiny in the future has yet to be written basically? [b]404Architect[/b]: In a fashion, yes. But if some things stay aligned to the original outline, the past has yet to be written too. Larima: Do you think the, uh, let's say 'vague' story is making the development of a more complete one easier at all? [b]404Architect[/b]: I will say it is making more work. Larima: Ah. Are there any plans to do anything with the tower factions? I would like to back Dead Orbit in some other way than being fashionable with their cloak. [b]404Architect[/b]: Everything for the factions was cut. I do not know if there is plans to expand on them as was intended in upcoming DLC. Possibly? That's uncertain at present. Larima: That's a shame. Was there plans for a faction war system? Who was new Monarchy's 'Monarch'. What's the deal with the FWC? Dead Orbit's deal was to just leave the solar system, right? [b]404Architect[/b]: All of those points were detailed in the original plan for the game. Each faction had a distinct story. Voice acting was recorded (beyond the ambient voice work you hear while walking around). Some of this content may make its way back into the game in the form of DLC or patch updates. I do not know what kind of schedule or plan is on that, however. There are whole factions that were cut as well, some directly tied to the original story and will need to be extensively re-tooled for the new storyline. Kizdeangix: Thanks for posting this. The beginning sequence being tied to exo characters makes a lot of sense. I wish we could have gotten the human/awoken ones. Having an organic being whose been dead a really long time suddenly materialize with no context ws a terrible way to start the game. The story is nonexistent. My first play through I was always asking my friend what was going on because none of it made any sense. I feel bad for the "little guys" who worked so hard on this project, only to see the whole thing get bastardized into what we have now. The only reason I play at all is because of the fluid mechanics, musical scores, and wonderful artwork that the "little guys" made so well. [b]404Architect[/b]: All characters began as deceased, just not in the same location. The context was originally there, but some portions of the game were both stripped down and also not finished in time and needed to be removed. What was cobbled together after the fact removed any sense of agency or identity. Larima: Is there more of a story as to why Joe Staten left? [b]404Architect[/b]: That isn't for me to say, I won't put words in Joe's mouth. [b]404Architect[/b]: There's still a lot to be proud of with how Destiny turned out, but it isn't the game we set out to make yet. truemeliorist: First, thanks for responding. Please do everything you can to keep your identity safe - there are a lot of customers who want blood I think. To your knowledge, was there ever any plan to allow inter-player interaction? I know this was one of the biggest bits of feedback from testing, and have heard that activision put its foot down and basically said "no, we think all of our players are annoying 12 year olds so no communication." No word on whether or not the last bit is true. I know the new dev notes mention that it should be coming in a pared down format, but it still doesn't make up for the fact that those of us who don't have friends who play are more or less stuck spamming invites to people. Any non-Destiny players I try to show the game to all react the same - they love the idea that you can play with other people, but when you mention that you don't have a way to ask them if they're working on the same thing as you, they're just incredulous that that was considered a "good" thing. [b]404Architect[/b]: There was voice chat and player trading a year ago as well as other player/player interactive elements, as well as a more player-driven economy. The decision to cut voice chat and trading at release was a part of the new "vision" for Destiy. [/quote]

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  • This isn't just plausible. The way things went down make it seen like reality. All I can say is that I know Destiny should of been way better. It makes me really sad, heartbroken, knowing that the game I loved since last year had to become something it didnt want to be. R.I.P 2013 Destiny. The philosophies of Legend have changed.

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  • Oh my just all that story.... potential gone or made to pay. Unless they add on in free story updates

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  • I'd love more story and the other stuff I am not a pvp player n get stuck doing for bounties n just break monotony bc I do all vanguard bounties daily. Also attempt to patrol a lot. Great game but has no meat if on disk means we bought so if not gonna release do to making ppl leave the game unlock the content n we can sort out the story

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  • Lol so some crappy dialogue was cut, Big deal?

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    9 Replies
    • I'm definitely waiting to see what the DLC will bring and if things keep going the way they are with major cuts to the game and etc... I don't think destiny will make it as a franchise, as for shitvision they really need to stop bitching and pressuring the guys and girls from bungie into rushing out a product. and on Bungie's end they need to take the time to sit back and really look at the games content and honestly ask themselves if they would want to play this, not just the usually BS they are required to say in order to sell the game. as for the "higher ups" at bungie you need to get your head out of your -Blam!- and let the dev. guys do their jobs.

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      • So obvious that this is fake

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      • [quote]One side wanted this huge space epic, like an MMO Mass Effect and the other side was not convinced that would sell and wanted to pare things back to more "easily accessible" standards.[/quote] Sounds a lot like Bungie (MMO Mass Effect) versus Activision (easily accessible standards, a.k.a Call of Duty) to me!

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        7 Replies
        • The one problem I have with this (besides the obvious notion that [i]anyone[/i] can go on reddit and pretend to work for Bungie) is that it seems to contradict the generally accepted idea that Joe Staten left Bungie on good terms. Sounds to me like this "employee" is hinting that Joe left because of a disagreement in direction - and that his departure dramatically affected the course and quality of the game. Doesn't sound like a "good terms" departure to me. He obviously got a better send off than Marty did, so what's the deal?

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          9 Replies
          • I kind of hope this isn't true. It'd be such a shame to know Destiny is only half the game it should have been at launch due to creative differences.

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          • Has there been any proof that this person does indeed work for Bungie? Everything seems plausible, if not flat out probable, but without some kind of proof, I'm hesitant to take it at face value.

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            2 Replies
            • At least this confirms that we are never really going to get the game we all thought was going to be released, and I can just give up on it now.

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              12 Replies
              • Hopefully the market gets flooded with shares of Activision and the 1.5 billion loss they already have taken goes deeper for their greed.

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              • Edited by artfulscruff: 9/29/2014 10:57:05 PM
                I want to echo the people saying that someone needs to address this officially one way or another. Right now I'm not even sure I want to keep playing. EDIT - I realise there's no proof that this guy is what he says he is, but it all seems plausible and I don't think there's any denying that this game is not what people expected it to be.

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              • Like I'm gonna believe some random redditor saying he's working for Bungie gloat about how bad the game is and tell us a multitude of things we already know and little proof only makes him sort of credible. Some points are absolutely believable but I doubt a Bungie employee would tarnish a money maker like this.

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                2 Replies
                • This is so screwed up!

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                • Shits depressing

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                • I found that AMA incredibly interesting and plausible. Sure, there's no way to authinticate that the person answering the questions actually did contribute to Destiny's development, but given what we are playing today, his answers made sense and seemed plausible. The story we have is very broken and in some spots good and other spots ackward and really does feel like it was cannibalized and retooled at the last minute. My biggest question coming out of that ama, is which side was Joe Staten on? Also, was he forced out or did he disagree with the new direction so much he volentarily left? Also, was Martin O'donnels firing at all related to the conflict within bungie during the develop of destiny?

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                • Edited by Ralfufigus: 9/29/2014 10:09:50 PM
                  Once again, higher-ups, who know [i]nothing[/i] of what consumers want, screwed over their own target audience to play it monetarily safe. Unfortunately for them, "playing it safe" will have cost them a drastic loss in potential money [i]and[/i] the longevity of what [i]could[/i] have been one of the greatest videogame franchises of all time. This whole ordeal is disheartening, especially for myself, as I have been waiting patiently for two years to play this game, enthusiastically absorbing any and all information I could find for the meantime. What an incredible letdown. I want to have faith in the idea that Bungie (we all know we're actually talking about the monstrous Activision) has learned from the discontent, and that the sequel will better fit the original concept. But, if Activision's other main franchise, which notoriously releases a rehash of the previous game in the series, can serve as any sort of indication for future practices, we shouldn't get our hopes up.

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                  • I fu[i]c[/i]king called it. Back when Staten left, I [i]said[/i] shit was gonna go wrong. Look at that. This really pisses me off. This could've been a beautifully executed and concise narrative-focused game. Aaaaggh. No use crying over spilled milk.

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                    • All what was said in the AMA would make Destiny a game I love. Don't get me wrong, Destiny is a fun game, but I was expecting a little bit more from it.

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                    • This makes me want to buy the dlc so that i can hopefully see what bungie really wanted the game to be.

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                      2 Replies
                      • This is horrifying... What this game could and should have been... Very glad this is trending, needs to be seen. I have no idea how people can defend this games severe lack of content and garbage "story".

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                      • Edited by Toa Axis: 9/29/2014 10:43:26 PM
                        Bump for the truth. But as for my own thoughts, this all seems way too plausible to be some guy trolling (and if it is a troll, then this is the most convincing troll that I've ever seen. Though I suppose a worse alternative would be that everything was smooth sailing and they thought that what we have now was okay to ship) This is basically another Halo 2 situation; they took a big knife and lopped off substantial parts of the game to get it out the door (though Halo 2 arguably had more success). Some of this stuff just makes me sad. All of this missing stuff makes sense as to why the game feels so incomplete. I mean, I know that every project won't always go according to plan, but... Man... EDIT: The fact that the higher-ups at Bungie thought that the story would be "too much" for people is, quite frankly, insulting. Sure shows how much faith they have in their fans.

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                        4 Replies
                        • Whether this is true or not, it makes sense the Bungie folks (who are incredibly creative and smart) know the game is lacking. It makes sense that Activision rushed a "dumbed down" version to meet a deadline, rather than postponing the game, dealing with a huge PR mess, and then shipping something spectacular. What a shame.

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                          • If this is true, this is actually what happens to almost every game that are developed over a longer period of time. Changing the team and the leadership leads to confused storyline, lost area's, etc... At least the game play is solid enough to log in once or twice a week and shoot some aliens with some friends. Could be more but that is what we have right now and i am personally enjoying it for what it is right now. We will see how they build up on that and this story being out will clearly help Bungie step it up and shove some shit in Activision face. Destiny recovered their production cost now it is time to make some profit by building upon it and expand it a way that will please the gamers and not the publisher that don't know anything else than making money to make more money. Another case of Scope Creep.

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                          • It's extremely sad reading about all that. Shit must have hit the fan this year at Bungie. Marty getting fired, Joe leaving the studio and then all this development chaos. Sounds like Halo 2 all over again. Just wow.

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