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Edited by FlapjacksNsyrup: 4/26/2015 7:35:26 AM

Auction House > Trading

Auction House > Trading ---------- How cool would it be to have an Auction House? Players put their gear that they don't want/need up for auction. It's all 100% Anonymous. All bidding starts at 1 Strange Coin. It goes up from there. All bids last until either the Daily or Weekly reset. The highest bidder gets the item. Basically, if you are someone who has put in 700+ hours but hasn't gotten a Gjallarhorn (or your gun of choice), you should theoretically be able to outbid someone who has played significantly less than you. This way, players can't just give exotics to their friends. They put up a weapon for auction and every player on that console is able to bid for it. Chances are, the winner will be offering 500 strange coins for that Gjallarhorn. They've essentially earned it. They've put in the time and gathered those Strange Coins. Did you dismantle your The Devil You Know? Your Shadow Price? Hunt for one in the Auction House! If you're worried about players obtaining raid gear they didn't earn, I could see it being perfectly reasonable that Raid Gear is restricted from being sold in the Auction House. This allows a player-run economy while minimizing the possibility for shortcuts. This makes it extremely hard for new players to be [i]handed[/i] end game armor and weapons by their high level friends. It also allows players who have been [i]endlessly grinding[/i] and striving to get that one exotic weapon they want so badly to have a chance at it. So why not? Why not have an Auction House? I can't think of any reasons not to. Can you? Sign below and let's make it a reality!

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