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1/23/2015 12:16:48 AM

Bungie Weekly Update - 01/22/2015

[url=/en/News/News?aid=12516]Bungie Weekly Update - 01/22/2015[/url]
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  • Here's an idea. Give us custom crucible maps. Let us mess around with our friends playing games like in halo2/3. Shotty snipes anyone? Bumper cars with interceptors? Or personal 3v3 matches that are not ranked? Also how about an option to change the element of our class. Like if we pay 25k glimmer we can switch from being a sunsinger to a voidsinger. Or switching a void walker to a arcwalker. Or blade dancer to a voiddancer? Can you imagine the awesome solarbombs? Or the void gun? Or a titan solar smash. How about a raid full of all warlocks, 1 of each element for each subclass. Just some fun ideas that could be an easy trade off for more game time. Reply to this with what element combo you would use or what custom map you would make.

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    • I need help with crotas end level 28 hunter

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      17 Replies
      • A drop of sweat rolled of the big black dick of icebreaker the taste was salty and the constant analing of the horn wasn't helping. Finally I thought I got them all I yelled I them gave gjallerhorn head while icebreaker jerked me in submission. It was the best nightfall strike ever

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      • If you people have such a problem with game, then stop playing it! No one is making you play it! It's not that F'king hard. Its pretty sad when all people do is cry and throw little baby temper tantrums when they don't get what they want. news flash little ones, welcome to the real world. I will never call any of you little bitches real gamers because none of you truly value a game even if it "doesn't meet to your every little need".

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        12 Replies
        • A drop of sweat rolled of the big black dick of icebreaker the taste was salty and the constant analing of the horn wasn't helping. Finally I thought I got them all I yelled I them gave gjallerhorn head while icebreaker jerked me in submission. It was the best nightfall strike ever

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        • Alright! I just got my THIRD Universal Remote in the Nightfall! Thanks Bungie! Your RNG is SO random! I'll just add it with my 3 Ice Breakers, 2 Gjallahorns, 2 Last Words, blah, blah, blah.......the list goes on. I guess getting same sh!t at different times makes it random huh? No need to fix it, everyone is completely satisfied with your "reward" system guys. Can't wait for 11 Ascendant Energy tomorrow when I do it again! F-ck a HawkMoon! Or a Hardlight. Or ANYTHING I don't have doubles or triples of. Make sure there is absolutely no way we can trade with Xur or amongst each other for something we don't have! You guys rock bro!

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          6 Replies
          • You know bungie I was hoping someone would speak up about this but I guess I can't wait. As much as I love PvE, I started as a PvP player and I'm finding myself out of the crucible recently. What I loved, what brought me to the game as an avid halo player. I began looking up mlg Destiny. Why is there no MLG Destiny I asked myself. Here's what I concluded. There's no custom gaming in destiny, I can't set up a clan vs clan and scrim, I can't 1v1 someone, I have to go to rumble pit and hope other ppl aren't feeding him kills or I need to hunt extra hard. Also maybe the super charges have something to do with it. What I'm saying is I'd love to see custom playlist, no radar playlists, no supercharge playlists. I'd love to kick out another clans teeth when they talk shit and I know my team handles the crucible like its my bitch tied up to the bed post, no lube and I'm raw dogging. But I can't, I can only talk without custom playlists. I can't gather a team of all my friends and rumble pit, explore the maps, explore strategies. That brings me to capture the flag. I reminisce on my days in 8th grade in Jamaica. System linking 4 xbox's. Gathering 15 or even more of my friends to go ham in 2v2s, 4v4s, And free for alls in halo 2. Turning maps like Coagulation, an open arena, one directional map, into the wickedest and most strategic games of capture the flag. I cannot tell you how many tournaments I've hosted and I've been to back in those halo 2 days. It was Infectious, I never went to a friends without a TV, Xbox, and a network hub. My essentials. This was all custom gaming. Destiny actually brought me back to gaming, after halo 2 I slowly fell off and by the time reach was out I was far too into girls to pick up my controller again. Please we need more playlists, we neeeeeeed custom gaming, we neeeeeeed MLG so put pros can shine. And I have a few clans on my list just waiting to slaughter. Let me 1 v 1 Let me set a clan v clan Let me explore Let me capture the flag Hand me that -blam!-ing oddball(or some new interesting playlist.) and let me bash someone's head in. Sn1perfect Milk n Cookies Clan Ps4

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          • meIsMike 12h 43m ago Permalink The update we'll never get- "We listened to the masses, and are making some changes to the game. 5 million people bought the dlc, so we have plenty of funds to make this game fun again! We are doubling vault space, hell, lets triple it, what do we care? You can now trade your useless ascendant mats for other things, 10 to 1 for radiant mats, 1 to 1 for marks. Survival mode added. Its really fun, and you get more loot the longer you stay alive. Grimoire is accessible in game, so people actually read it. As you complete sections of the grimoire, cut scenes are unlocked, revealing story points, it was always there, we just forgot to put it in. You can now change your characters appearance once a week for 10,000 glimmer. We made some really fun bounties for you to try, because we are sick of the same crap since launch as well. You can now add modifiers to any mission, and complete it for rewards suitable to difficulty. Of course we don't want every single core player looking identical, the outfitter can help. You just need the armor that has the appearance you want and the armor that has the stats you want. Take it to the outfitter with a chunk of some materials or something and BLAM you have sweet, unique armor, it's so -blam!-ing simple, I can't believe we didn't have this in since release. Crota's End sparrow can do tricks. We agree, all those low impact auto rifles and pulse rifles are like shit on a dick. Nobody wants it, so we added some decent/balanced ones.  We fixed all them annoying bugs, like the sword disappearing, heavy ammo synth not working, and the Templar random containment fields. Queens Wrath is coming this week. Turns out there is not a problem with YOUR network, it was OUR problem all along. lol. Oh, and 5 more strikes are available, just because we are rolling in cash, and we want to thank you, the customer, for being such a sport, and believing in us." But instead Bungie just carry on, completely oblivious to core problems in the game. Why do I look forward to reading this every week? This could get 1000 bumps, it won't make any difference. I don't think they even read the comments. Edit: Lol, ignore it until it goes away. Perfect PR. Oops, should I of pulled that punch? Edit 2: Thanks guys.  Obligatory new bump goal: The moon This post is unrealistic, that's the point, but what is unrealistic is not these ideas being implemented, but Bungie actually addressing issues the community reiterates week after week.  Some acknowledgement is all we want, but instead we get ignorance. I love Destiny, but I've done everything, I just want to continue enjoying the game. Edit 3: "Look mum, I made it!" Lol, I even noticed this on Reddit, thanks. I wrote this in a rant, after reading yet another empty update, to criticize Bungie's 'Give us feedback so we can ignore it' attitude.  It is obviously a popular opinion. This has more comments than the weekly update itself, hopefully that means something to the people I'm trying to reach. I love your game Bungie, thanks for making it. Now could you please address some of these issues, because this is becoming a joke. Edit 4(The last one I promise):  I assume you have read this by now, Bungie, everyone on the forum is sick of it, so I'll take advantage of this strange opportunity to say exactly what I want to say, and let myself believe it has found its target. I, in no way, feel ripped off, or entitled to anything. I would quite happily pay money right now just for some more strikes or missions. Thankyou for making the mechanics so tight Thankyou for not going Pay2Win Thankyou for the marks->mats (even though you then shafted us with 31 tower gear, that was rude) Thankyou for the continuous support you give the game.  This is the best game I have ever played. I've built a clan, written raid guides, and given feedback multiple times, all for the prosperity of Destiny. So please don't see me as a bitter customer, spreading hate, but a disappointed customer, spreading hope (and lols) Nobody expects these ideas to magically be in the game, I know something like survival mode would cost a fortune, but all wehope for, is that the communication between "us" and "you" becomes a little less one sided. You know everyone wants in game grimoire, so tell us about it's fate. I know it is hard to be transparent when every miss timed reveal has consequences, but you're managing PR like politicians, you're a -blam!-ing game company, be -blam!-ing likeable.  I guess you could just ignore all this, after all, who am I? But if all the comments, that you surely read, are anything to go by, you are distancing yourself from your community. Pick the controller back up, level up your neglected guardians, and re-immerse yourself into the worlds you created.  I'll be here, waiting for your reply.

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            29 Replies
            • also, doubles skirmish was the best thing ever. #ijs

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            • Edited by enderprime: 2/2/2015 6:09:56 PM
              cool, you figured out how to handle <smaller> fireteams. How bout helping us with <larger> fireteams guys? ya know, in-game LFG, in-game clan management, matchmaking for weekly or nightfall.. do something useful

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            • All these people crying because Xur doesn't sell Ammo Synths and engrams every week are big babies. I want it now!!! Whah!!!!! It's part of the game, get over it. Plan accordingly and and be mindful of your resources. It's like playing Zombies and crying because the game doesn't just give you Jug or any other perk. If you don't like the game just stop playing or figure out how to manage the resources the game allows. If this game gave everyone what they wanted when they wanted it. It would be boring as hell.

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              15 Replies
              • Edited by SILVER ANARCHY: 1/30/2015 7:35:15 PM
                [quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12516]Bungie Weekly Update - 01/22/2015[/url][/quote] Hey DeeJ. Since the icebreaker did so well, i would like to challenge you and the Destiny team to break your Strange Coin Record. Icebreaker is a great gun but nothing annoys me more than looking at Destiny LFG and people wanting someone with a Gjallarhorn and being refused an opportunity to play without one. I, myself, have found this to be a struggle, even though im a beast at, and prefer to, running Crota in the ground with the edge of a sword. So i have a proposition. Have Xûr sell Gjallarhorn the weekend of February 6th. Put a price of at least 30 or more coins on it since it is probably the most desired weapon of the game. Im sure this record will be broken the 1st day of play. Let's see if we can get Xûr's bills paid with this one, we may even see him on the beach in Venus with all that hard earned cash. Im predicting at least 25 million coins if this happens. And if we can raise this much of the Strange Currency that we have collected since September, we could celebrate Xûr's new found wealth in some way. Just a thought from one of your faithful playing audience. Let's see what you guys got! Sincerely, Chris XB GT ANARCHY FN

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                9 Replies
                • Please stop forced pvp for exotic mission rewards, allot of players like myself don't like pvp and suck at it. And to do missions like 500 kills without dying because your set back is asking for the impossible from us. I have dumped this thorn mission twice now because of it and here it is again, it's bull.

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                  98 Replies
                  • Edited by Han Yolo: 1/23/2015 6:47:23 AM
                    DESTINY FUN FACTS 1. Xûr is Saturn's most successful pornstar. His stage name is Xûr: Agent of the Nine Inches. 2. Strange Coins are actually Chuck E. Cheese tokens. Xûr is addicted to skeeball. 3. The Cryptarch's past jobs include meter maid, IRS auditor, slumlord, DMV agent and a guard at Auschwitz. 4. Crota was bullied mercilessly in Hive School. The kids called him names like, "Scrota" and "The Dork Below". 5. The Queen and her brother have read Flowers in the Attic like a hundred times. 6. Eva Levante keeps all the good shaders in her bedroom. You can get one, but first you have to do a special favor for old Eva. 7. The Speaker is actually just 3 monkeys in a long cloak. 8. "The Traveler" is Wesley Crusher's final form. 9. The Vex were born when a freak lightning storm caused Stephen Hawking's brain to merge with his speech computer. 10. Eris's favorite band is Third Eye Blind.

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                    323 Replies
                    • Where's that third subclass? Why am I the only "legend" ever to be overcome by jackrabbits, weasels and currants? Why is there a $25k cap on glimmer, or a cap at all for that matter? Why do "kicked to orbit" errors only happen at the crucial moment right before a boss's death, and not right when I start a mission? (If anything, the apparently severe pull of "reverse gravity" should be heightened as we are dropping in from space, not when we are deep beneath a planet's surface. That's like, science.) Why does my chance of getting gear seem inversely proportionate to my performance? Why do helium filaments stay firmly rooted on the ground, yet heavy ammo packs routinely float in mid-air? For that matter, what exactly is the "weight of darkness", and how light is...light?

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                      1 Reply
                      • Looking for a crotas end hard raid im a lvl 32 titan on xbox360

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                      • Bungie can you please sell the gjallarhorn this next weekend

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                        3 Replies
                        • Deej, Did you look at my recent comments on the 1/22/15 post?

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                        • Deej I found the new hard mode crota boss cheese

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                          35 Replies
                          • Second week in a row with nothing. Just shards. On three characters for nightfall. This is -blam!-ing bullshit bungle.

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                          • Has anyone gotten the ointment shader?

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                          • Me getting Crux of crota Best/EASY Crota hard mode raid strategy Sticky grenade kills montage #2 Sticky grenade kills montage #1 Me getting the ghjallahorn through a legendary engram Husk of the pit drop location

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                          • Fixes and additions Bungie needs to implement! LIKE THIS IF YOU AGREE!! lets keep this trending and go for 1,000 please. (I will keep updating this as well) REPOSTING THIS SINCE BUNGIE HID IT FROM THE LAST UPDATE AS WELL AS BEN OBIWAINS. -blam!-ers Crota's End : 1. Sword disappearing after killing the sword bearer 2. Not being able to pick up the sword when it drops 3. Oversoul still kills fireteam after being vanquished 4. Crota's shield regens even when taking consistent damage 5. Crota standing up immediately after being downed (no animation) 6. Crota not dying at 0% health 7. Knight being able to go through the window/shield at the beginning and killing fire team, then teleporting back out. 8. Ogres not spawning, which causes guardians not to be able to beat Crota. (On hard mode usually he is at 1/3 of life at this point.) Vault of Glass: 1. Aetheon still randomly teleports 1 or 2 people instead of 3 2. Being teleported with a barrier around you Crucible: (Unless Destiny Tracker is wrong) 1. Doubles Sirmish wins is a grimore set, I have been playing an won around 8 games and the ins have gone towards my skirmish instead of doubles. Please Fix this. 2. Wins are not being applied for combined arms towards grimore set. 3. Wins for combined arms are not being applied towards grimore fore me, nor has any of the combined arms matchs I have one have gave me the first 5 grimore for the play list. General: 1. Heavy Ammo bleeds after death 2. Heavy ammo synths not working randomly 3. Sticky grenades going through enemies in crucible 4. I believe special ammo crates need to be taken out of crucible, and less bullets for special weapons upon respawn to prevent people from solely relying on one hit weapons, this has ruined the crucible which is now a special weapon slug fest for people with no true skills on how to conserve ammo and when to use certain weapons for different situations. Please for the love of god fix this. 5. You need to hire game testers Bungie to fix these raids before they release so people can't cheese them. There is no glory in doing the raids if someone less skilled than you can cheese the whole thing and have the same gear as you. This defies the whole point of being able to become legendary. I'm not special if every tom, dick, and harry, with absolutely no skills can just cheese the raids some people have done legit and have the same gear. Having trouble hiring people to test the game, hunt down the people that came out with these cheeses and hire their ass, apparently they got a lot of time on their hands and need a job! 6. Take fireteams out of Rumble, tired of people inviting their friends and using it as an advantage to cheating, or gang up on people. It is free for all. If anything add a mode to where you can do it with your fireteam. (team rumble) Improvements that need to be added: 1. MORE FLIPPIN VAULT SPACE, for us collectors. 2. An emissary that will give us bounties we can do for a decent amount of glimmer, and low rep. (say like 25 rep) 3. Unlimited Glimmer Cap 4. Vendors that allow you to purchase perks for your weapons and a way to customize them. This allows people to customize weapons to their play style. 5. A way to change a characters appearance 6. Custom Shaders 7. More crucible modes. Get creative, do something activision and COD haven't. Add minions of the dark into the mix, make it to where each team has to kill the most amount of enemies. Add unique enemies that are bullet sponges and special to that crucible mode. (Let me know what you guys think about this, you the players.)(You can have 2 teams like control, or individuals like rumble) 8. New bounties to do, similar to the VIP kill on Cosmodrome's, Archon Rising, where it is a unique enemy to that bounty 9. Way more exotics, and I don't mean two for every expansion. That is lazy, really lazy. It cannot be that hard to make more exotics. 2 is pathetic, need ideas for weapons, message me I got several hundred ideas, I'll every draw them for you. 10. Survival mode. 11. More involvement with factions, add ranks to them let people feel important like they are actually a part of that group. This would bring the community together as well. For these ranks add good faction gear. This gives us a reason to be involved with factions. 12. The shipwright should actually sell legendary ships or give bounties to get them. 13. Give us our own room in the tower, open up the city below us, why are we concerned for protecting the city and earth from the darkness if we don't have some sort of attachment to them? 14. START ANSWERING OUR QUESTIONS DIRECTLY. IT IS NOT THAT HARD TO TAKE AN HOUR OR TWO MEETING WITH THE DEVS AND ASK THEM THESE QUESTIONS. DEEJ : "Hey what do you think about these ideas?" DEVS: "We like that, or don't maybe we'll implement this or incorporate that, or nah that is stupid." DEEJ: "Ok , thanks for your time. I'll let everyone know in my update!" TOO -blam!-ING EASY DEEJ, TOO -blam!-ING EASY!!!! 15. A way to switch weapons via Destiny app or from orbit, between different characters. 16. A way to trade in ascendant materials for radiant materials, or start giving radiant materials for DLC weekly's. As the game progresses are you going to keep giving us tier one legendary upgrades when most of us find them useless? Let me know what you guys think. Constructive criticism only. Please Bump if you agree. I believe if we get this trending with over 10,000 Bumps eventually we will get straight answers! Please guys I know you like this game as much as I do so lets corner them until they give us the game they promised us!!!! EDIT: 1. Upgrade your garbage servers while I'm at it. You have made millions off of us players, take that money and invest it back into your company and give something back to the players for letting you hit financial success. Your only where your at because WE, THE GAMERS chose to put you there. 1/2 of this game is PVP and 1/2 of the time it isn't even enjoyable because of the lag. I pay $129 a month for internet and your telling me my connection is bad. 2. Hire more devs and coders, tired of stupid error codes. I have never played any other game that has kicked me off so much unless there was pre scheduled maintenance. I had to wait until 4 a.m to beat Crota because of the millions of people online and your servers couldn't handle it. If you did not expect this than you are seriously stupid. No one here has paid money to play a game like this and still getting error code that we have since the beginning of this game. 3. If your devs and designers are struggling to make new areas for the story missions(which we know that you cut from us) are having trouble tell them to get insight from Gavin Irby, Jake Meyer, Brendan Thorne, and Michael Tipul, you know those guys right, the ones that design the raid. They seem to be coming up with some interesting stuff, don't be scared to allow them to spread the love to the story missions, or strike, and give us more interesting and puzzling challenges instead of bullet sponge, bullet sponge, bullet sponge. 4. Raid completions for Crotas End not counting towards Grimore Score for Raid Completions. BUMP< BUMP<BUMP DON'T FORGET TO LIKE AS WELL, I appreciate your time for reading this, and hope we can get something rolling at Bungie, more specifically a dedicated community manager that can do his job of answering our questions, and letting us know exactly what the developers say or their opinions. Even a glimmer of hope saying hey those are good ideas let us see what we can work out, it may take a month or three but we will keep you updated. If we can't find a way to do those things, I know you'll be disappointed, but were all adults and I apologize but this and that would create to many problems. Transparency is all we ask for.

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                            7 Replies
                            • Edited by Bacon_Tetris: 1/31/2015 10:01:06 PM
                              I'm a huge fan of Destiny through and through and have been playing since day one. I'm a little frustrated though with how buggy the hard raid is when i have been working on just Crota now for the last three days for 6 hours each day. Honestly, the fact that he's down to a sliver of health and something bugs out is really just not fun. Everyone i play with isn't having fun with it because it's such a grind and how buggy it is when he should be dead and then isn't for some odd reason. Alot of us can't play all day every day and work. For the people who do work, it would be nice to have a raid that was actually beatable without putting days into one part of it.

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                            • podrian poner para conseguir carcasas de espectro

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                            • I'd be ok with purchasing vault space with glimmer and possibly one of my guardians souls. I'm not gonna say which one hehehe

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