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Edited by Circadian Wolf: 8/19/2015 6:04:35 AM

Distinct enemy factions, Huge AI rework part 2 - The Hive

Though there are four different enemy factions, it often feels like you're fighting a re-skinned enemy over and over in destiny. These suggestions are on how to make each enemy factions unique in their encounters and make fighting them more interesting for players. Hive: Savage warriors of the darkness, the Hive seek to snuff out any and all light they encounter. They trust in numbers to overwhelm their enemies, but behind their swarming lines hides terrible power. Thrall: Brimming with rage, Thrall know no fear. They will charge enemies with no regard for self preservation, running over mines, off cliffs and into targets far more powerful than themselves. While some might think this renders their attacks ineffective, Thrall never hunt alone. Their sheer numbers overwhelm most targets or leave them weakened for other Hive to finish off. Acolyte: Thralls that survive their adolescent years mature into Acolytes. Though not outright suicidal like their younger brethren Acolytes seldom take cover, they prefer saturating their enemies with excessive weapon fire. They may take evasive action when necessary but tend to move little when in battle, focusing on letting off as many shots as possible in the shortest amount of time. However this does not make them easy targets, as the hail of void and arc bolts are enough to suppress and overwhelm all but the toughest of foes. Knight: The few Acolytes that survive long enough grow into Knights. Sword or Boomer in hand they lead groups of lesser hive into battle, using dark magic to summon walls of shadow that shield their advancing allies from enemy fire. After this initial show of aggression Knights will often back off and attempt to flank their targets while Thrall and Acolytes keep them occupied. Their heavy armour protects them from weapon fire and must be shattered before the Knight itself becomes vulnerable, at this point it will enter a bezerker rage a charge relentlessly at it's opponent. While in this state it uses Hive magic to create a red field around itself that slowly regenerates it's health, beware of this as a Knight with no armour is still a very credible threat. Wizard: The female members of the Hive, Wizards rely on their dark powers in battle. They hide behind the seething lines of other hive and fire bolts of arc energy into the fray, when coming under fire they quickly retreat to recover their shields. If an opponent gets too close they lay down a field of dark energy to slow their opponent before backing off to a safe distance. Wizards are often accompanied by a Knight, who will serve as the Wizard's protector in battle. Ogre: Towers of hatred and aggression, Ogres are like a miniature fortress. They lumber forward, their gaze an unrelenting rain of void fire that constantly suppresses it's enemies. While this offence is formidable in itself, it is merely designed to keep targets in cover while the Ogre closes distance. Once close enough, they enter a rage much like Knights do and charge at enemies, trying to pummel them into dust. This is incredibly dangerous and guardians are advised to keep their distance when engaging an Ogre. [b]Factions:[/b] Hidden Swarm: Guarding areas claimed by the Hive, the Hidden Swarm savagely defend their land from intruders. When an enemy initially enters Hive territory, they will lurk in the shadows and wait for the target to venture deeper. Once past the point of no return they will attack and swarm over their target and surround it, preventing any means of escape. If their victim does get away the Hidden Swarm will pursue them a great distance in an attempt to silence them and keep the Hive's secrets safe. Their ranks are swollen with thralls and acolytes that are kept in check by a few ancient knights and wizards. The Hidden Swarm can be viewed as a sort of twisted nursery where the young Hive can get a taste for blood while being restricted to the safety of the Hellmouth. Spawn of Crota: The sharpened tip of the Hive crusade, Crota's offspring show no remorse. They respond to any enemiess with extreme aggression and do not relent until their target is destroyed. When fighting a loosing battle they do not lose this bloodlust, fighting savagely till the last thrall. These Hive are the ones leading the invasion of earth, though they also hold a presence on the moon guarding relics and shrines associated with Crota. Knights line the ranks of Crota's army, leading thralls and acolytes against the light. Blood of Oryx: These Hive are the direct servants of Oryx and are only found in the depths of the hellmouth, working on sinister projects too vast to comprehend. They generally ignore intruders, viewing them as a minor irritation in the grand scheme of existence. However should a guardian interfere with them directly they will retaliate with spectacular aggression, even by hive standards. Utilizing the dark powers of Hive to their full extent, powerful wizards perform dark rites under the protection of knights and ogres. Kind of rushed this one, hope it's up to standard. Please leave feedback on what you think of this post and any other suggestions you have. [b]Other Threads[/b] Exotic buffs - [url=]Exotic armour buff suggestions - Hunters[/url] [url=]Exotic armour buff suggestions - Warlocks[/url] [url=]Exotic armour buff suggestions - Titans[/url] AI rework suggestions - [url=]The Fallen[/url] Others - [url=]Subclass idea - Multi-burn Subclass[/url]

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