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6/21/2008 1:20:38 AM

Bungie Weekly Update: 6/20/08

The first ever Weekly Update to feature trigonometric functions. It's like summer school! [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=14347] click for full story [/url]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] agentchris1 This was the guy at the end who said he quit halo, he still played today. [url][/url] Just goes to show, its so hard to quit. It's just such an awesome game.[/quote]He was testing out what Bungie said about the BR?

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  • cant wait for new maps keep it up bungie

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  • thanks bungie for admitting that the br is -blam!- up now go an remove the -blam!- br spread because its annoying i dont care if you have to make the br a 5 shot weapon again because with 4 shots it d too powerful but pls remove this random spread

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  • Ok that BWU was all fine and dandy about the BR spread and I'm not picking at it, but how about an explanation of what happens when you're in a BR firefight. One person is from America and one person if from the UK. Is there an equation to find out how win against the servers?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] jedikv Good job explaining the H3 BR. I like the new settings it provides more of a downside to the BR and makes players think more about the situation before they use the weapon. Unlike in Halo 1 (with stupidly overpowered ''jack-of-all-traits'' pistol) and Halo 2 (with the Recoilless/Perfect aim BR). Unfortunately there will be those that still cry and whine that there is no ultimate weapon and they would have to ''resort'' learning to use the other weapons. Guns have a spread in real life and has been in games for years. Stop crying and learn to deal with it.[/quote] Yes, Bungie fix things that aren't broken. That's the only reason predececcors are better.

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  • Forget maps and BR news, I want that blue spartan bobble head. But this week was very informative, makes Halo 2 look slightly easier to play than Halo 3.

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  • Good job explaining the H3 BR. I like the new settings it provides more of a downside to the BR and makes players think more about the situation before they use the weapon. Unlike in Halo 1 (with stupidly overpowered ''jack-of-all-traits'' pistol) and Halo 2 (with the Recoilless/Perfect aim BR). Unfortunately there will be those that still cry and whine that there is no ultimate weapon and they would have to ''resort'' learning to use the other weapons. Guns have a spread in real life and has been in games for years. Stop crying and learn to deal with it. [Edited on 06.21.2008 5:18 AM PDT]

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  • Chill out! was such a fun map to play on. Pity most people wanted to play Pistols on Blood Gulch.... I hate how people constantly INSIST that the BR must be the only weapon you use, it has to be your no.1 TOD and you have no skill at Halo 3 if it isn't. Shock and surprise, there are other weapons in Halo 3 and they are all there to kill or be killed by! It would be nice if this little lesson stops some BR threads (hahaha!) but one can dream. Also...I'm on 7th page! I are Legendary! jk :) P.S. Is that in-game graphics are concept art? Looks drawn but I won't complain if it's the grahpics :D [Edited on 06.21.2008 4:51 AM PDT]

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  • Its like Narrows mixed with Isolation! I'm really looking forward to these new maps!

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  • Cold storage looks awsome. I was skeptical when you guys said you were remaking chill out, but now that I've see the map, I'm impressed.

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  • Its not just math, its Bungie Math! Can't wait for Cold Storage.

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  • Chill Ou.. I mean Cold Storage Looks awesome can't wait for more info! Will the description be "Dude you need to go into" that would be awesome. Thank you for taking the time to explain the BR spread, it's worked great for me in the past and will continue to do so. I lessthan three the Waaaaaaaaaahmbulance!!! it made my day.

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  • Halo 2's BR is better [Edited on 06.21.2008 4:16 AM PDT]

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  • I don't understand why people think BR without any spread is a master-of-all-weapon. Because it was not in Halo 2. Halo 3 BR spread is random that you can't control. [Edited on 06.21.2008 3:45 AM PDT]

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  • Nice update Lukems. But why must you pick on the speshull people? hah

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  • Q: Are the cool looking teleporters on Cold Storage placeable in forge? They kinda [i]look[/i] like they're part of the map, but no map has had permanent teleporters in Halo 3 yet. Only Avalanche had ones placed by default, and they were the stock ones. I [i]really[/i] hope they're moveable / removable / placeable in forge, otherwise you're going to really limit the potential of this map.

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  • Yeesh. Enough of the damn remakes! Do something ORIGINAL for a new map!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] lukems THERE IS NO WAY YOU HAVE READ IT STOP[/quote] A friend of mine told me that you were shorter than a twelve year old kid... I am not being offensive.. but I am much taller than him... Thanks god for the WAAAAaaaaaabulance!!!! Thanks for the Update!!! It weren't so bad if frankie was still working with you [i]Here lies, the legendary office of Frank O'Connor, whose primary jobs was far from defeated... The update =)[/i]

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  • Those mapes look awwwwreeeesssooommmeee, hopefully that br thing wil stop the moaning, i alwas thort br was more long range, i always switch to ar for clsoe range attcks

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TS Legaia IN halo 2 the ar was more specified in to two different weapons. 1 the smg a close range weapon perhaps even to inaccurate ( a pray and spray weapon). 2 the br, and it was weapon how the normal ar real time is working (almost).[/quote] I always felt the BR to be a replacement for the Pistol, the Pistol was the all range weapon in Halo 1 and the BR was the all range weapon in Halo 2, Bungie felt any type of all range weapon would be overpowered, but these weapons have always been strongly tied to competitive play. Although perhaps the fact the BR was used practically 95% of the time in all Halo 2 MLG matches is an indication that it was in fact overpowered, regardless I don't think what Bungie has done to try and fix the problem is perfect, but Bungie are stuck in a corner, everyone wanted the BR they know and love and Bungie knew they had to give it to them, even though they didn't really like what the BR had become, what they've done is try to remedy the issue without making risky or drastic changes, perhaps it would have been better in the end if Bungie had made those changes, but that we cannot know for sure, I think it's best to give Bungie the benefit of the doubt on this one, lest we forget, peoples expectations before the game's release were huge, a lot was at stake, the community playing halo is still huge, a lot is still at stake.

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  • <33333333333333333333 @ Bungie

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mattus I understand the logic behind wanting to make the BR a short to mid range focused weapon instead, but there is no decent replacement that is mid-long range, the placement of the BRs on the maps seems to treat the weapon as if it were as good at that range as in Halo 2, so it's no wonder people are trying to use it in the same way, couldn't you have adjusted the Carbine to be more of a mid-long range weapon? Then the BRs and Carbines would be both placed on the maps equally, providing equal battles at mid range, but with the BR getting the advantage close up and the Carbine getting the advantage further away. People would have a reason for choosing individually between them beyond personal preference and yet neither would end up being overpowered.[/quote] The weapons are just not fun in halo 3 anymore. Remember the ar from halo ce, I admit it doesn't have the range of that of a real life ar, but it was fun too play with and since there was no smg. It was a nice in between thing. IN halo 2 the ar was more specified in to two different weapons. 1 the smg a close range weapon perhaps even to inaccurate ( a pray and spray weapon). 2 the br, and it was weapon how the normal ar real time is working (almost). In halo 3 the ar returned being a 2-handed smg, And now this happened to the br. Meaning we still don't have a real Assault rifle. [Edited on 06.21.2008 1:35 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Hitzel [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] tahbig L Thank you for posting the detailed mechanics of the BR. I have been wanting to get my hands on those details for a while now. The amount of BR bashing threads should significantly decrease now that a quality explanation has been given. If only everyone had a T3 internet connection, then some of these networking issues wouldn't be such problems.[/quote]IMO, the BR is still inconsistent and frustrating to use. Knowing why doesn't stop it from being inconsistent and frustrating to use. In fact, knowing it's random by design makes it worse because now I can blame nothing but the game when I get unfairly out-BR'd.[/quote] Exactly, just because it is explained doesn't mean that it's not a bs system. Next thing we know people can walk faster than bullets. I mean we're talking about a player moving towards aimed point 25 cm. Bullet fired towards aimed point unknown distance. Do you believe that at 0-20 m (if not more) that a bullet can be outrun by a (slow moving) spartan..? That doesnt even happen in this time with the current weapons. Come on bungie, next time you make a game think this -blam!- through. [Edited on 06.21.2008 1:23 AM PDT]

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  • I understand the logic behind wanting to make the BR a short to mid range focused weapon instead, but there is no decent replacement that is mid-long range, the placement of the BRs on the maps seems to treat the weapon as if it were as good at that range as in Halo 2, so it's no wonder people are trying to use it in the same way, couldn't you have adjusted the Carbine to be more of a mid-long range weapon? Then the BRs and Carbines would be both placed on the maps equally, providing equal battles at mid range, but with the BR getting the advantage close up and the Carbine getting the advantage further away. People would have a reason for choosing individually between them beyond personal preference and yet neither would end up being overpowered.

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  • no plans for new armour in the near future im afraid

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  • wondering to find out if Bungie is planning to release some new armor anytime (chest plates, shoulder pads, helmets.) i dont mean recon that has to be earned, but something like a bundle pack of some sort that you could purchase off of the xbox marketplace. a response would make my year so please and thank you. BlunterLotus [Edited on 06.21.2008 12:02 AM PDT]

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