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6/21/2008 1:20:38 AM

Bungie Weekly Update: 6/20/08

The first ever Weekly Update to feature trigonometric functions. It's like summer school! [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=14347] click for full story [/url]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Middle Finger U I think it's a tad f'd up you guys did that Whambulance thing and had the guy's name out to the public. Usually it's an anonymous thing. You guys even screeshotted his signature which had his gamertag and everything. It's just a tad f'd up..[/quote]I agree.

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  • This is cool. It keeps every complainer about the BR spread's mouth shut, gives a good explanation, shows some stuff about Cold Storage, and has the best ending ever made alive. Good job Bungie. :)

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  • omg there is a flood in the map!

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  • [quote]Save the Dates August 29-31, 2008, here in Seattle. Be there. We will be. 7/7… … is 17 days away.[/quote]I live near Seattle and it looks like I am going to have to make an appearance. I can't wait for Bungie day, something tells me we the fans are going to get spoiled. And "Cold Storage" shots look like a Flood Containment Facility, cool (I didn't play the Halo: CE multiplayer much, shame on me).

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  • I have no doubt that the person who called the whambulance was a little kid. He completely misrepresented all of us Houstonians. And Texas.

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  • [quote]The reasons for this are obvious – there is no designed one-weapon-to-rule-them-all in Halo 3 and that is a decision made by design to encourage all of the aspects of the sandbox to be used in gameplay. [/quote] If you guys encourage all aspects of the sandbox to be used, and if the sentinel beam is a part of the sandbox, then why don't we ever see it in the maps? It's easily one of the cooler weapons in the game, yet you guys shy away from it. [Edited on 06.21.2008 11:08 AM PDT]

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  • That was an interesting read, we got an inside view about the BR and how programming works. It's not easy to compress the dynamics into a readable article like that, so that was well done. I know that Dan kid at the end was pretty vocal about the BR's flaws. I still don't fully understand, basically because I'm not a computer programmer. In that respect, I have to trust in Bungie that they know what their doing. I thought the update did ignore the glaring repeated requests to Seperate Team Swat objectives into its own category. I think the numbers of veto's on objective swat games should be obvious enough to Bungie that Swat Players just want to play Swat. There's a great thread here [url][/url] That thread discusses how the problem with Elites in Team Swat can be corrected. Althought the true problem of the behind the head shooting issue probably cannot ever be corrected, I thought this post gave Bungie a good "How To" solution. Bungie has already stated it cannot control player model in the games themselves, so a tweak like this could work. Team Ranked Snipers is far overdue. I would be massively dissappointed in Bungie if they pull the "Buy the new maps, get Team Snipers" move like with Swat. MS can set the price and release details, but thats something Bungie can control. New map looks good, and the progression has been good. Rat's nest, IMO, is terrible. But the Standoff, Ghost Town and blackout shows improvement. Remakes are fine in my book. Thanks.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The Freik [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Warp2 Since there are no hitscan weapons, is it possible that this "balance" decision was made because the networking code couldn't handle anything beyond CQC? I wonder. Perhaps BTB wouldn't be a complete lagfest if the BR was converted to a hitscan weapon again.[/quote] Having hitscan or not has no effect on the latency of the game, player global location and bandwidth does. [/quote] Individual realtime bullets require more data to be transmitted per shot. This may be a negligible increase and you may be correct that reverting the BR to hitscan will not improve the Halo 3 lag problem, but it certainly is not out of the question. As a proponent of the BR fix said on another forum recently: [quote] Halo 2 was less laggy then Halo 3 is. I can buy that because it's an older game and not quite the graphical powerhouse that Halo 3 is. But when a game like COD4 can offer better graphics, more players, lack of any bogus "push to talk" feature (so, free chat between all players at all times), and STILL come out lag-free with only a few hiccups here and there just upsets me. [/quote] Halo 3's random BR + its laggy network design makes the game frustratingly inconsistent and takes away from what could be the best XBL multiplayer experience around. Of course, that's just my opinion.

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  • all i have to say is, duel weild with spikers is unstoppable! i love those things

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Warp2 Since there are no hitscan weapons, is it possible that this "balance" decision was made because the networking code couldn't handle anything beyond CQC? I wonder. Perhaps BTB wouldn't be a complete lagfest if the BR was converted to a hitscan weapon again.[/quote] Having hitscan or not has no effect on the latency of the game, player global location and bandwidth does. I believe that the Halo 3 BR is much better than the Halo 2 BR. Not only is it more realistic to an actual gun in both it's spread and travel distance times, but it gives it limitations compared to other weapons. It can be defeated in close range by an Assault rifle, and at long range by snipers and splazers, yet it has a strong footing in mid-range battle.

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  • Cool! The map looks fun...and looks perfect for machinama.

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  • my head hurts from reading that entire section on battle rifle really hurts. before I go get an asprin and take a nap, I must say "wowzerz" to Cold Storage. Also... OMGTANKFORMINGREENCANISTER!!!1!!!ONE!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Hitzel I'm not at all satisfied with the BR update. The BR is still inconsistent and frustrating to use. Knowing why doesn't stop it from being inconsistent and frustrating to use. In fact, knowing it's random by design makes it worse because now I can blame nothing but the game when I get unfairly out-BR'd. Also, what happened to this: [quote][b]Posted by John Howard, Halo 1 lead designer:[/b] [22:08] [JohnHoward:] The Halo 1 pistol wasn't a mistake... [22:08] [JohnHoward:] It was also intended to be the ultimate hold out weapon... [22:09] [JohnHoward:] I always believe that balance is about giving each weapon / ability / whatever it's own perfect situation.[/quote](Taken from Shadowrun Launch Party IRC Chat) Why can't the starting weapon be used as an all-around tool at all ranges, while all other weapons do their specific jobs better compared to that one base weapon? This inherently balances the game and gives each and every weapon a unique and distinct purpose. Even if H3 has too many weapons to the point where some weapons are clones of each other (it's like that anyway, so it wouldn't create a new problem), it still creates an environment where you spawn with something that feels powerful, reliable and fun to use without taking away from the effectiveness of all the other weapons. You can still appeal to the casual base that way without frustrating the fans and veteran players. In my strong, yet modest and thought out opinion, Halo 3's weapon sandbox design is flawed.[/quote] Wow, I really cannot agree more with you and JohnHoward. Spot on. The idea that a reliable BR will somehow spoil the balance is ludicrous. There *is* no balance right now since the game is so lopsided towards close quarters combat. Close Quarters Assault Rifle Melee SMG Plasma Rifle Plasma Pistol Sword Shotgun Mauler Brute Spiker Hammer Pistol Rocket Lawn Chair lololololololol Mid Range BR Carbine (on few maps) Long Range Sniper Rifle Spartan Laser (on few maps) Beam Rifle (on few maps) Since there are no hitscan weapons, is it possible that this "balance" decision was made because the networking code couldn't handle anything beyond CQC? I wonder. Perhaps BTB wouldn't be a complete lagfest if the BR was converted to a hitscan weapon again. [Edited on 06.21.2008 8:47 AM PDT]

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  • yay i found the discuss button!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOHOO finally

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] JonnyOThan Luke: Um...can you draw me a picture?[/quote] the picture was very um... [i]good[/i]...

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  • Smuggler looks awesome, I like the specimen which looks like a flood in a tube. I still like the Battle Rifle as well and knew it was made a little more fair in Halo 3 so that no weapon was to powerful and that's cool, now the matches aren't just people killing eachother with BR's, many of the other weapons are used more often.

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  • Huh, well the map was a bit neat in Halo 1, so a good remake would make it great.

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  • Wow OMG. Cold-Storage looks (almost) IDENTICAL to Chill-Out!! Im glad I got to see the [i]Good[/i] pictures instead of the Tape Recorded full game on Youtube... Oh and i think the BR isn't the [b]best[/b] weapon, but i do think it is the most flexable when it comes to range. [Edited on 06.21.2008 8:12 AM PDT]

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  • Btw, I just read some of the other posts here, and I have to say, the networking code you guys use must be pretty amazing. I'm a Computer Science major and that is a pretty amazing solution to the "swipe sipe" problem in Halo 2. I applaud your work.

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  • I really enjoyed the part about the BR. And no, that was not sarcasm. I never knew how complicated the networking code was when firing a three round burst from a BR. But all those things really make sense, the fact that none of the projectiles from weapons (lazer excluded) actually require time to hit a target, meaning on valhala, sniping off people at their base requires more skill than when they're close up. What I think is really crazy is that each bullet is treated differently, I had just always assumed they were treated as a packet. Anyway, I'm really excited to see smuggler! The map looks excellent. I know its too early to ask for a date, so I'll ask for a name instead. Will this be the mythic map pack or are you guys going a totally different direction?

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  • Brilliant update, I really enjoyed the Battle Rifle info. The screenshot with the flood specimen in the tank is spooky, but looks amazing.

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  • @ those complaining about the remakes. what about purple reign and moonbase alpha? (and smugglers?). we have yet to see if these maps are remakes or originals. in the end though, i don't think what anyone says, me or bungie alike, will change a thing, as someone will always whine. of course, the weapons system in H3 isn't perfect and it never will be(the same goes for CoD). i personally didn't even notice this "issue" until it was brought up in the update. some of you act as if bungie is trying to make us miserable. all they are trying to do is make things more balanced. if they [i] hadn't [/i] changed the H2 Br, you'd all be complaining its too powerful, there should be more of a spread, should be more inconsistent as their are 3 bullets, etc. at least be thankful bungie makes an effort to fix there problems rather than whining at them all day long [Edited on 06.21.2008 7:30 AM PDT]

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  • this update easily makes the top 3 updates of all time. you guys rock.

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  • Awww i thought that pic was of a new game you guys were working dang it! Anyways i loved that map im glad were getting it back but plz tell us hte rest are new unless smuggler is boardingaction cuz it kinda sounds like it. 16 days left now till 7/7 i hope we get somthing free.FREE IS GOOD! Im so getting a bobble head. i want one now!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] agentchris1 This was the guy at the end who said he quit halo, he still played today. [url][/url] Just goes to show, its so hard to quit. It's just such an awesome game.[/quote]He was testing out what Bungie said about the BR?

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